In schemas for Ulysses, Joyce describes the compositional technique behind the “Sirens” episode as including the “eight regular parts of a fuga per canonem,” later reworded to a “fugue with all...
This visualization was created for the University of Copenhagen. The design relies on simplicity and functionality, combining the experience of reading the time with the new function of monitoring...
Every day, the Global Historical Climatology Network collects temperatures from 90,000 weather stations. Dating back as far as the late 1700's, the records provide an incredible source of insight...
Drugs, guns and sex. Also some data in a project that opens up the Czech crime statistics for the first time in history. Comprehensive and appealing look into police statistics. An important voice...
Planet Earth is this solid thing you are standing on right now. In your everyday life you don't really waste a thought about how amazing this is. A giant, ancient, hot rock. How did it come...
When the Los Angeles Dodgers sold for over $2 billion last year, the purchase price — which was 54 percent more than prevailing estimates — didn’t just elevate the fortunes of the team’s owners. It...
‘Figure it Out’, or FIO, beautifully displays the time zones you work and play in.
A minimal time zone site and chrome extension that allows you to add up to ten time zones of your choice,...
Before his downfall, former security chief Zhou Yongkang was among the most powerful and feared officials in China, a hardliner who oversaw spending on domestic security outstrip the defense...
Berlins Slogan was created by this mayor Klaus Wowereit: "Poor, but sexy!" But in the last years more and more founders came to Berlin. So many startups settled down in Berlin. This infographic...
Our interactive tool built for the Unesco Institute for Statistics as part of the International Women’s Day and centered on the theme “Equality for women is progress for all” helps visualize the...
Data Views are self-contained chart experiences that are created closely with Bloomberg View—the opinion section of Bloomberg News. The impetus behind Data View was a hope to provide clear and...
100 Years of Rock is an ambitious visualisation that displays a century’s worth of musical history. Lasting 33 seconds, the automated scrolling animation leads you through the many evolving genres...
The artwork shows a possible new structure and reorganization of the U.S. Army, from redistribution of expertise in new military units, to definition of the aspects and equipment to enhance,...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
Are you past your prime? To explore this question, we plotted the lives of 177 creative thinkers and the ages at which they each completed one notable work, discovery, or product launch. Our...
Winter 2013, China suffered large-scale invasion of haze, which is extremely harmful to human health. The project investigated the cause of haze in the Yangtze River Delta region. The visualization...
The interactive visualization reveals the global evolution of trade agreements from 1948 until 2009. The tool not only displays the increase in the number of agreements and country connections over...
How the group of cyclists, known in the cycling world as peloton, went from a uniformly French, then European bunch, to a multicolored, multicultural, plurilingüistic mass later? The interactive...
Literary elites love to rep Shakespeare’s vocabulary: across his entire corpus, he uses 28,829 words, suggesting he knew over 100,000 words and arguably had the largest vocabulary, ever. I decided...
Formed by the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications in 1989, Time Warner quickly became the world's largest media conglomerate, with divisions that include Warner Bros. Entertainment,...
This piece of work is an interactive data visualisation of the percentage of trains from fifteen different train companies that were delayed over a four-year period. It is designed in a way that...
An infographic on heat waves and snow storms in 35 cities around the globe, by Timm Kekeritz. Statistics on weather are everywhere: on TV, in newspapers, on our mobile phones. But weather is more...
While it may seem that the Internet is boundless, much of the world is still without an Internet Protocol (IP) address. This two-page visual illustrates, by continent, IP addresses, at the end of...
The first massive open online course, or MOOC, launched in September 2008 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Via the web, anyone could attend the class on learning theory, and 2,000 people...
'What makes you tick' is a multimedia, interactive feature to explain how your biological clock affects the body’s natural rhythm and when disturbed can lead to serious consequences. The body clock...