Restaurant-associated foodborne outbreaks reported in England and Wales from 1992 to 2009. Explore every outbreak recorded to see what food types are most affected, which pathogens were involved...
Using a Sankey diagram, the visualisation charts the percentage breakdown for food poisoning outbreaks by national cuisine, food type, pathogen/toxin and contributing factor where the cuisine type...
Data visualization des intoxications alimentaires par type de restaurant et aliment mis en cause, sur la base de 647 incidents recensés et dont l’origine a pu être identifiée en Angleterre et au...
This visualizations shows the number of outbreaks (absolute numbers) per cuisine type as bubbles (where the areas are scaled to the number of outbreaks) grouped by pathogen/toxin. I tried to...
I chose the dataset 'Percentage of Total Outbreaks for Food Type' because it was the most relatable. The categorization of information is something anyone would be interested in seeing broken down...