This interactive data visualization shows all of the 5100 Olympic gold medal winners since the 1st Olympic Games of 1896 (and the current Olympic Records). They are ordered by sport, edition,...
According to a recent report from the Freedom House, 61% of Internet users live in countries where government criticism is restricted. Though widespread globally, censorship is not evenly...
In the aftermath of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters, millions were displaced, and once bustling communities became husks of their past selves. While the emptiness of these places is...
Comments allow readers to respond to an article instantly, asking questions, pointing out errors, giving new leads. At their best, comment threads are thoughtful, enlightening, funny: online...
Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a...
A century ago The Netherlands counted 6.5 million inhabitants. On March 21st of this year that number officially reached a total of no less than 17 million. That same day we published a combination...
With the Australian federal election drawing near, we set out to explain why Australians had varying levels of influence on the outcome.
We included various factors which could effectively...
More than 100 heads of government and 40,000 other attendees are gathered to craft a global climate deal. It’s challenging work, made more complicated by the slew of alliances among...
The real estate market has been one of the main driving forces of China’s economy for more than one decade. This fast growing industry also contributed to social inequality in urban...
I can't read music but I can parse it. The talent of reading music has always escaped me which is a little ironic considering I grew up in a musical family. However, I've always enjoyed how sheet...
Musicmap tries to provide the ultimate genealogy of all popular music genres and bundles any information regarding music genres and history in one dynamic map, serving as both an educational tool...
With the ‘Cymascope,’ sound can be transformed into an image to visualise the sound of birds like the forest, developing a method for translating the frequency of bird calls into...
Looking for a unique baby name? How about some strange ones? Ones you can use in Scrabble, or ones that show up in the Bible?
This visualization walks through some trends and oddities in the...
This investigation of scientific p-values is anchored by an interactive graphic where users can give "p-hacking" a try on their own. These are tricky statistical concepts, made accessible to all...
The birth of the printing press not only revolutionized education and knowledge, it also reshaped the design of letterforms. This opened up a whole industry for printers-scholars, type cutters, and...
A visual comparison of selected (GB, US, Germany, China & Brazil) countries from around the world to highlight how different we are when it comes to our daily routines and washing habits, with...
Our bodies are extraordinary. They contain elements that have a commercial value, megabytes of data, and trillions of cells, most of which aren't our own.
This is a map showing over five years of drought data (285 weeks, combined into a single view) in the United States.
The dots are proportionally sized by the amount of time over the past five...
“Roads to Rome” is a data visualization project exploring one of the biggest unsolved quests of mobility: Do all roads really lead to Rome?
The project resides somewhere between data...
The ribbons' sizes are proportional to the number of asylum applications by country of origin and destination. Destination countries connected to countries of origin by thick ribbons have...
Cognitive biases are just tools, useful in the right contexts, harmful in others. They’re the only tools we’ve got, and they’re even pretty good at what they’re meant to do. We might as well get...
At the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), I've made dozens of infographics / data visualisations to present data from investigations, educational resources and research articles. Our main...
A series of graphics accompanied this article on Flint's water crisis. These graphics took pains to convey the statistical sampling that was being used to test Flint's water, and how seemingly...
Can food be a medium? What is the taste of data?
The Data Cuisine Workshop is an experimental investigation on the representation of data with culinary means, or — if you like — edible diagrams....