Understanding the poverty situation and its many layers in London boroughs.
This is a poster intended to be displayed in metro stations in the place where people wait. As users do not have much...
It was the BBC that came up with the format, which pairs celebrities with professional dancers for a televised ballroom dancing competition. The first series began on 15 May 2004. Later that year,...
This project visualises the 1165 journeys women made to seek refuge in London between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2016. It illustrates how far and wide women migrate across London boroughs when...
Behind the sensational success of "Hamilton" are some of the most densely packed, complex rhyming lyrics in the history of musicals. How exactly do they work?
Is crime in America rising or falling? The answer is not nearly as simple as politicians sometimes make it out to be, because of how the FBI collects and handles crime data from the country’s...
The Subspotting project captured the cell phone reception for the 4 major carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint) along the 660 miles of the New York City Subway. Subspotting is the first...
Capricious Earth is big data visualization product, shows statistics from 1976-2016, more than one million global seismic data for nearly 40 years, and the earthquakes of Chinese provinces. This is...
The birth of the printing press not only revolutionized education and knowledge, it also reshaped the design of letterforms. This opened up a whole industry for printers-scholars, type cutters, and...
As the tallest side at the Euros, expect Sweden to be a big threat at set-pieces. It is likely that Martin O’Neill will place an extra emphasis on defending dead balls before their opener against...
Visualisingdata.com is an award-winning site providing readers with a rich variety of content that charts the development of the data visualisation field as well as profiling the professional...
The Dalai Lama asked Paul Ekman and Stamen Design to design him an Atlas of Emotions. This online interactive project visualizes what science knows about emotions, emotional states, triggers,...
As the fortunes of the 2016 US presidential candidates rise and fall throughout the campaign, so does the amount of conversation about them on Twitter. Below is an interactive graphic that allows...
This project was inspired by Dear-Data.com, a wonderful collaboration between Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec. We, Jeffrey Shaffer and Andy Kriebel, decided to follow in their footsteps and...
Artwork for Il Corriere della Sera - La Lettura on the production, export and consumption of tea in the world from 2008 to 2013. Source: Fao Food and Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
Particles and fragments of light slip by in a stream of time and space to portray the compelling experience of driving. »Porsche BlackBox« reimagines this connection by visualizing racing data as...
How many times do we hear that "the songs from that artist sound all the same"? How similar are they, really? We applied automatic audio feature extraction and machine learning techniques to...
Traditionally, Martian craters are all named after something on Earth - small towns, scientists, or famous artists. In this map I tried to make a strange planet seem familiar by sharing the Earth...
Vaccination schedules are a live political issue in the USA. We wanted a neutral entry point into this debate, so we produced this interactive, which allows our readers to compare the schedules in...
In almost every urban area on every continent around the world, pigeons solemnly blend into the cityscape aesthetic. Usurping sidewalks and parks in their massive unflattering flocks, pigeons are...