The Banda Ultralarga (Ultrafast Broadband) Strategic Plan ("BUL") for Italy was announced in 2015 with a promise that by 2020, infrastructure to support broadband internet connection would reach...
This interactive article presents a so-called “explorable explainer” of the k-means clustering algorithm. It attempts to push the envelope of how visual explanations can be designed on an...
IBM Immersive Insights helps users explore data and communicate their findings. It brings the power of Augmented Reality (AR) visualizations to data science tools, improving the user experience,...
The scientists at the Amboseli Trust for Elephant have studied the same population of elephants since 1972. They know most individuals by name, as well as their genealogy.
We built this...
How do we begin to evaluate the impact of autonomous vehicles and shared mobility services on congestion? How do we embrace the uncertainty surrounding these new mobility technologies?
This visualization explores the messages we’ve beamed into the cosmos over the last sixty years. Some are serious scientific endeavours, others less so. Together they represent a time capsule of...
One of the societal challenges in high-income countries (HICs) is fertility decline below replacement level, driven by increasing childlessness (Zeman et al. 2018). For example, in Southern Europe...
Visualizing Shark Numbers is an interactive story that incorporates data visualizations and scientific illustrations with the purpose of highlighting the diversity of sharks and shedding light on...
Augmented Reality (AR) is a new way to see the world. With AR menu and characters, we can achieve all that has been shown on Star Wars, Iron-man, The Minority Report and other Sci-fi films.
The International Space Station (ISS) is one of the greatest endeavours ever undertaken by the human race, representing the peak of scientific ingenuity and global cooperation.
This data...
The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is one of the EU's cornerstones in its strategy for cutting emissions of manmade carbon dioxide (CO2). This visual piece explores how it works...
This topic is very important to me because my younger sister is 15 years old and technology is a huge part of her life right now. My mom grew up without technology, so they have a big difference in...
Measurements are at the heart of analysis, testing, and discovery. Irish mathematical physicist Lord Kelvin once said, “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers,...
Taste is a complex 4 dimensional experience. Different parts of the tongue, mouth and nasal cavity detect different aspects of flavour, scent and texture independently, yet together form a complete...
The artificial pancreas research projects in human trials campaign dealt with displaying information about the connection between Type 1 Diabetes projects and artificial pancreas. Using a color...
Computer science is the subject that studies what computers can do and investigates the best ways you can solve the problems of the world with them. It is a huge field overlapping pure mathematics,...
From the United States military to the Filipino government, data breaches can affect companies, public-sector agencies and organisations of all types. This infographic charts some of the most...
'Murderous Virus' is an information design that visualizes crime data from 1990 to 2016 in Korea. The number of crimes in each year, crime rate by population, crime rate by region and crime rate...
A visualisation of search trends and patterns for health issues via Google searches. The project explains how seasonal factors can affect the interest in certain diseases and tells the story of...
Data: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. 2009: ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed...
Unconsciously, the name "small steel teeth" has been with me for nearly two years, from the initial worry, tension, and some unacceptable; To later slowly adapt to slowly accustomed, and then to...
The Ring Central Global Business Activity Visualization was designed as a large-screen lobby display showing the aggregates global business activity data (including phone, text and Glip, a...
This story explains what people worldwide have been feeling in 2021, based on Gallup’s World Happiness Report. In addition, it also lets people compare with others and explore further.
I used a...
In partnership with Hopelab, the Koko team turned to Data Culture to showcase the proven benefits of their enhanced crisis response tool. Using both CDC data, and results from Koko’s peer-reviewed...
Swimming pools in the United States can do more harm than good. Not many people in America realize how much pools hurt the environment. An infographic poster can help shed a little light onto the...