A look at the change in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic over the last four decades. In reviewing the data, it struck me that I could convey the numbers in an arctic aesthetic, allowing the...
The three infographics pages in the Annual Report of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) provide a vivid insight into the diverse funding activities of the Foundation in 2018:
An overview...
Trends in sea-ice thickness and volume are an important indicator of Arctic climate change. While sea ice thickness observations are sparse, here we utilize a ocean-ice model, PIOMAS (Zhang and...
This infographic offers an in-depth look at the state of global fishing. It compares the most used fishing techniques and their impact, the most fished species and their provenance, the global...
The phrase "health and longevity" is what everyone wants to achieve, and it is also a good wish for the other side. We can see in many TV programs that some people do everything they can to live a...
I am an astronomer working on a website to deliver stellar properties to the masses. While I was making a JS version of what we call an Hertzspring-Russell diagram, a plot of stars comparing their...
Two barrel graphs depicting CO₂ concentration of the atmosphere and the global temperature anomaly since 1958 and how they are rising with each other.
Data is from GISS Surface Temperature...
For traditional Chinese medicine, many people have misconceptions that traditional Chinese medicine has no scientific basis and is very old and will be eliminated. But in today's China, traditional...
This is a video we release every year to promote a study highlighting the 10 social media trends that will shape the year (and years) ahead. Past years the video was more infographic / motion...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Vizlab created this scrolly-telling website to inform the public about streamflow drought and how it is monitored by the USGS. The website is set up so...
Lab24, the visual area of Il Sole 24 Ore, has published “La Guerra dei chip”, a longform that explains why semiconductors are the most valuable and disputed piece of technology today, with analysis...
This infographic was produced as an alternate outcome of my final major project at university. I decided to research how to communicate the possibilities of virtual reality and augmented reality...
BROMACKER project combines paleo research and science communication at the excavation site in the UNESCO Geopark Thuringia Inselsberg - Drei Gleichen, at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, at the...
Zhang heng, in the...
In collaboration with Hopelab, we designed and built the imi microsite to highlight the inclusive nature of their process and how both qualitative and quantitative inputs helped create a more...
Structuring and organising information has always been a way to familiarise myself with new things. It’s how I understand and interact with information systems around me. It’s also how I learn new...
Less than 7,100 cheetahs exist in the world today. Poaching, illegal pet trade, lack of conservation, and low genetic diversity are a few factors impacting the fastest land animal's...
This data visualization shows the resistance of Salmonella and E. Coli in food, animals and humans, country by country.
It is based on the results of the European Union summary report on...
The increased industrialization of farm animals has not only affected the number of animals processed every year, but has also had immense environmental effects on the air, land, and water of the...
I created this 3D visualization entirely in R, using the rayrender package (a software package that I also wrote and have released to the community). I also used the geojsonsf R package to convert...
This interactive visualization aims to provide insight into side stream valorization opportunities for the paper industry, in order to support stakeholders in becoming more sustainable.
A visual summary of the fallen meteorites on Earth from 1400 until 2013. The website is composed using different Javascript libraries to have a creative and classic approach to data.
Firstly, an...
The goal of this project is to align the viewer’s choice of products and actions with their personal goals. There's so much unknown around ingredients used in our products, and this infographic is...
Communities of color are disproportionately affected by factors that undermine opportunities for social and economic advancement. One of the most basic requirements to sustain a livelihood is...
This graphic was created to illustrate the driving forces that will shape the future of food systems in the developing world.
Given the subject matter, I chose to illustrate each aspect as a pie...
There have been 61 Nobel Prizes awarded to 60 remarkable women for their exceptional accomplishments in their respective fields, of Science, Medicine, World Piece and the Literary Arts.