This data physicalization (i.e. physical data visualization) illustrates the heat-dome-related deaths as reported to the BC Coroners Service between June/20/ 2021 and July/ 29/2021. According to...
‘A magnificent work of art design insight philosophy. Tufte discovers insights in ordinary graphics. Not only graphics, but lists and stacks, which take on new significance. The chapter on ethics...
This story explains what people worldwide have been feeling in 2021, based on Gallup’s World Happiness Report. In addition, it also lets people compare with others and explore further.
I used a...
The visual analyzes the most expensive medical procedures in the US for those without access to medical insurance.
As a Canadian resident with access to free healthcare, I was intrigued after...
The beauty and benefit of the scientific process is its iterative nature over time. Each individual discovery fits into a body of work, and firm conclusions develop only after many years and many...
A visual summary of the fallen meteorites on Earth from 1400 until 2013. The website is composed using different Javascript libraries to have a creative and classic approach to data.
Firstly, an...
What would be an alien dashboard that monitors extraterrestrial activities of humans?
Interactive dashboard based on a dataset containing all space missions in human history.
Pokes are healty. Hmm, yes. But, do you really know the poke you're eating? This dataviz, watercolor-like, surely will give you more than one surprise (hint: click on the ingredients to add/remove...
The 20th anniversary of the publication of the first draft of the human genome offers an opportunity to track how the project has empowered research into the genetic roots of human disease, changed...
The work want to create awareness about chronic pain and let people understand what it is. The data came from the health survey of 2017 in England, published December 2020 from the Public Health of...
Covid and Monkeypox have made it clear, CDC must tell the data story as it unfolds with interactive visualizations that are mobile-friendly, high-traffic ready, user-tested, and...
As part of my semesters project, I created infographics explaining the european interconnected system. The project contains three posters, a give-away product and one explanatory book. The aim of...
This project aims to activate and tune smartphone users’ material intelligence through stories and objects that provoke them to think about their relationship with their devices – and by extension,...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The simple and powerful scatter plot graph analyses three metrics such as Internet...
For the past two and half years, the world has been overtaken by an unprecedented global pandemic that changed our behaviors, economies, and uprooted our lives. From the start, scientists and...
Taste is a complex 4 dimensional experience. Different parts of the tongue, mouth and nasal cavity detect different aspects of flavour, scent and texture independently, yet together form a complete...
This project is called Unsub Extender, a free Python-based web application to analyze Unsub data.
Unsub is a collection analysis tool that many academic libraries use to analyze their journal...