This information design project was inspired by a real-life medical case (Atrial Septum Defect), where the patient was a having a heart procedure to block a “hole” in her heart. I used cut paper to...
A visualization of the next 30 days of near Earth asteriod approaches. The bigger the circle, the bigger the asteroid. The darker the circle, the closer it will get to the Earth. You can hover...
On November 27, 2017, the worldundefineds first somatic cloned monkey "Zhong" was born at the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the non-human primate platform of the...
The photographic darkroom process is the main line and the development of photographic materials is the subordinate line. By using collage, solve the mysteries of photography.
A double-page graphical Timeline of over 100 Darknet markets offering drugs. The purpose was to try and show how prolific the darknet market is and how new marketplaces quickly took the place of...
‘Meat the Future’ is an infographic design based on the OECD’s (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) data of ‘World Meat Consumption and Production’. The design is intended to...
An infographic story about how quantum computing works. The last pages are about the research/project TU Delft EEMC faculty is doing in this area. This infographic story is mainly created for...
From Galileo Galilei to modern day, this data visualization maps over 400 years of Jovian discovery, displaying every currently known moon of Jupiter, each one featuring the year of discovery,...
Medical School is extremely competitive. You need to have nearly perfect grades and MCAT scores. Then there is an overwhelming number of schools to consider. Inspired by Priestley this chart tries...
Attic is an interactive data visualization system, that visualizes the activities in our workspace of our program at university. It has an open attic where lectures take place and students spend...
This is our thinking about the different physique of the medical system. We see the medical system as a capsule of innumerable human social developments. In our view, human beings are bound by...
The 20th century’s most important scientific discoveries and artistic creations are mapped in time with the incidence of wars, massacres and genocide to reveal reoccurring patterns of creative...
A landmark new study shows that bursts of brilliance happen for almost everyone. This discovery holds promise for creatives and other kinds of professionals. We've created an interactive graphic...
Nesta has developed, and visualised, the most comprehensive public classification of skills available in the UK. We hope that the taxonomy will help workers and students learn more about the skills...
This map was a personal project where I wanted to see what were the correlation or attributes to pancreatic cancer. With this approach, an observer can get a sense of various factors.
Does age...
Timeline of the Far Future – an interactive web experience invites users to the macroscopic world that visualizes events spanning from the beginning of the 11th millennium to the furthest reaches...
In 1961, Astronomer Frank Drake came up with an equation to estimate how many detectable extraterrestrial civilizations might exist in our galaxy. Each variable is a crucial factor for the...
A data visualization to see how climate change is increasing temperatures in Zaragoza.
Through graphics we will see, and consult the maximum and minimum temperatures, tropical nights and frosts...
Climate change is a complex global issue, requiring simple communication about its effects at the local scale. This set of visualisations highlight how we have witnessed temperatures change across...
The US electricity system is often described as the world’s largest machine. It is also incredibly diverse, reflecting the policy preferences, needs and available natural resources of each state....
Google Trends data allows us to see what people are searching for at a very local level. This visualization tracks the top searches for common health issues in the United States, from Cancer to...
Artificial Senses visualizes sensor data of the machines that surround us to develop an understanding how they experience the world.
In current times, machine learning and artificial...
This infographic is about the long trail of death and destruction that “category 5” hurricanes leave every year on their path across the United States and the conterminous seas.
The visualization...
This is visualization of arbitrary vector fields. A vector field assigns velocity and direction to every point on a plane. I drop thousands of particles on a plane and let them flow according to...