While we battle to save Black Rhinos and Mountain Gorillas, what can we learn from those that have already gone? What can the legacy of Schomburgk's Deer, the Paradise Parrot and Lonesome George...
A student project, visualization the Space Race between the USA and USSR, to see who would be the first to put a man on the moon.
I experimented with various ways of summarizing, grouping, and...
Water is not only the source of life, but also the material basis of social economic development and social progress. However, water resources are scarce in China, the thirteenth largest in the...
The ABDI (Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development) and FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) conducted a series of studies to subsidize the elaboration of public policies and governmental...
Wall Street is entering a new era. The fraternity of bond jockeys, derivatives mavens and stock pickers who've long personified the industry are giving way to algorithms, and soon, artificial...
China's military increasingly prosperous, in view of the theme of One Belt And One Road.We aimed at China's air-to-air missile technology for data analysis.According to system data and the model...
Two barrel graphs depicting CO₂ concentration of the atmosphere and the global temperature anomaly since 1958 and how they are rising with each other.
Data is from GISS Surface Temperature...
Data visualization chart displays an overview of global geothermal heat consumption in households in between the year 1999 to 2015. The source of data is from the energy statistics database from...
A data visualization to see how climate change is increasing temperatures in Zaragoza.
Through graphics we will see, and consult the maximum and minimum temperatures, tropical nights and frosts...
An essential visual guide for pharmacists on the growth in the over-the-counter medicines market over the year, containing data on the key products that they need to be aware of and the key trends...
Nesta has developed, and visualised, the most comprehensive public classification of skills available in the UK. We hope that the taxonomy will help workers and students learn more about the skills...
This heat map indicates the average daily temperatures of the summer season (June to September) in Tokyo over the course of 140 years. You can hover over or tap on a cell to see detailed...
Spacesuits have undergone four generations of evolution since they were known in the late 1950s. They date back to the pressure suits designed for pilots during World War II. Also rich in science...
From Galileo Galilei to modern day, this data visualization maps over 400 years of Jovian discovery, displaying every currently known moon of Jupiter, each one featuring the year of discovery,...
This infographic is a chapter of a fully illustrated non-fiction book about the European Red Wood Ant. Each book chapter is a large two-sided leporello and covers a certain aspect about Wood Ants....
This map was a personal project where I wanted to see what were the correlation or attributes to pancreatic cancer. With this approach, an observer can get a sense of various factors.
Does age...
The 2017 Nobel Prize in physics went to gravitational wave researchers. Their instruments detected black holes and neutron stars were merging together in space, forming larger...
COMMIT is a data visualization and sonification work created by Ren Yuan. By getting the commit history of more than 400 developers on the Processing, p5.js, Processing.py and Processing for...
Cybersecurity content is often in service of a product. It is a young industry built on top of funding rounds, valuations and products. As an end user of cyber security solutions, it's not always...