Whether Pope, Merkel, Trump or the DiCaprio, they are all talking to us. But how exactly do they do this?
"To the point(s)" is a rhetorical analysis tool revealing the speech strategies of today’s...
Forms of Attraction clusters images from the MET's Costume Institute into items sharing similar form. This was done through machine learning to uncover new relationships between items beyond...
The year 2018 marks a century since some women in the United Kingdom were awarded the right to vote in and stand for elections. A hundred years later, do we have equal gender representation yet? In...
Ten days after launching a quiz in which iROZHLAS.cz readers could compare their estimates of Czechs with real statistics, they gathered 41,000 individual answers. What did the readers...
"The Next Bechdel Test" was a months-long project searching for and testing ways to measure inclusion and representation in the American film industry. With input from professionals in and around...
Hindu Mythology is a rich treasure trove of legends and fables. Vishnu is one of the Holy Trinity in Hinduism, responsible for protecting the Universe. The legend of the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu...
A visual experiment that evaluates the evolving graphic symbolism of the United States, True Colors is a collection of flags generated from the 2016 American Community Survey. Each flag is based on...
Worthwhile is an app concept that promotes the act of inspiring and being inspired. Users can upload their creations and link them to other posts that helped inspire their own.
The name...
Keep Your Roots is an infographic that tracks how native language is lost in each generation. From surveying 70 Asian-Americans, aged 18–30 in California, the majority of their loss was due to the...
As a Chinese-Canadian, I am always thinking of fun ways to learn Chinese. I have developed a method of learning Chinese characters from songs. The overall learning process can be both fun and...
It sounds like hyperbole, but it isn’t: Half of American women struggle to find jeans that fit at the mall. More specifically, only 13% of women’s jeans in brick and mortar stores are available for...
Few things are more frustrating than collecting your belongings only to realize that your pants pockets can’t fit them. For wearers of women’s clothes, the struggle is real. Like many things on the...
Many find themselves arguing with someone on the Internet, especially in these days fraught with political tensions. A great tool, the web also seems to drive dispute. A classic essay from one of...
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon is a website dedicated to the social network of early modern Britain, 1500-1700. At sixdegreesoffrancisbacon.com, scholars, students, and citizen humanists can...
A report from ETH Zurich recently re-published by Harvard economics department, mapping out the various ethnic groups around the world. We were curious how this might compare with modern...
The project intends to convey and communicate advice on how to live a healthier and balanced life: contact with nature and its cycles, healthy feeding, physical exercise, good rest, practice of art...
The theme is delicate and the work speaks for itself. Small details that make all the difference when we transmit information. take a deep breath and take a look at this breathtaking data...
What is the far right talking about on Twitter? The SPLC Hate Tracker visualizes activity around hashtags on Twitter by aggregating data on users identified by Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)...
More than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, according to results of a study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in...
The visualization deals with the World worries, showing the results of the survey 'What Worries the World' which analyzes the 15 major sources of concern in 25 countries. For each country are...
A microsite with to different visualizations provides information about different educational trajectories of high school pupils in the canton of Zurich (Switzerland). A Scrollytelling...
Through the Global Grand Challenges initiatives, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded 2,390 grants * so far in 90 countries.
Each grid on this image of Bill & Melinda represents...