This piece explores job prospects for male and female college graduates. Through extensive data analysis, research and reporting, it finds that the careers that college-educated women take tend to...
Keep Your Roots is an infographic that tracks how native language is lost in each generation. From surveying 70 Asian-Americans, aged 18–30 in California, the majority of their loss was due to the...
A visual experiment that evaluates the evolving graphic symbolism of the United States, True Colors is a collection of flags generated from the 2016 American Community Survey. Each flag is based on...
It sounds like hyperbole, but it isn’t: Half of American women struggle to find jeans that fit at the mall. More specifically, only 13% of women’s jeans in brick and mortar stores are available for...
"The Next Bechdel Test" was a months-long project searching for and testing ways to measure inclusion and representation in the American film industry. With input from professionals in and around...
Hindu Mythology is a rich treasure trove of legends and fables. Vishnu is one of the Holy Trinity in Hinduism, responsible for protecting the Universe. The legend of the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu...
A series of infographics, developed for UNWOMEN’s new flagship report, 'Turning promises into action', uncover significant gaps for women’s empowerment. The infographic show how gender equality is...
An interactive and exploratory data visualization of one month of my life. Data from multiple sources was combined to generate a single view demonstrating sleeping patterns, eating habits,...
No matter where you are on Earth, we all look up to the same sky during the dark nights. You might see a different section of it, nevertheless the stars have always fascinated humans. And even...
In Tanzania LGBTQ people face discrimination and persecution. #IamBinadam (which means #IamHuman in Swahili) highlights the stigma experienced by LGBTQ Tanzanians and aims to foster empathy among...
The way we speak has an enormous effect on our identities. As part of a series on digital identity, we used a UNESCO dataset and D3.js to create a visual essay about the world's endangered...
The Sole 24 Ore website publishes an interactive map with all the interventions that can be carried out in a free building regime, based on the single glossary defined by the Ministry of...
The project intends to convey and communicate advice on how to live a healthier and balanced life: contact with nature and its cycles, healthy feeding, physical exercise, good rest, practice of art...
More than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, according to results of a study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in...
A healthy Twitter conversation can be seen as one with long chains of replies that have little to no toxic messaging. For a conference talk urging cultivation of healthier conversations, I...
This work includes monthly survey results from a research company, giving insights about different demographic groups' viewpoints about varying subject matters.
Analyzing Mr. Jokowi's (President of Indonesia) word usage on Twitter. Mr. President is actively using his twitter account to talk about his programs and build communication between government and...
“MeToomentum” is a self-initiated data visualization project exploring themes, geographical footprint and key moments of the popular social Movement #MeToo. In a World where sexual abuse and...
Jordanian orphans and children given up at birth are expected to survive and thrive once they leave the care system. But in a country where family is everything, these children face relentless...
These are a couple of polls inspired by the Sherman Kent CIA study shown in the images below (discussion in this thread). I was super happy when they matched up.
The raw data came from...
We are immersed in a digital age where our data is collected, mined, and shared by companies trying to target and control our behaviors. To inform people about targeted advertisements, a...
Through the Global Grand Challenges initiatives, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded 2,390 grants * so far in 90 countries.
Each grid on this image of Bill & Melinda represents...
Both men and women have crafted the world as we know it. Now, just for a minute, take a quick look around. Think about your work or your hobbies. How many women are a reference in those fields?
This is an "interactive data comic narrative" of the findings of a survey conducted by the World Bank on the challenges women face in the quest for economic opportunity around the world.
SBS has released a new data feature All Work, No Stay? exploring the effects of rising temporary migration on Australia’s cultural and social identity, examining the history and impact of