Using somewhat subjective definitions of "at war" -- Korea counts but Kosovo doesn't in our analysis, for example -- we endeavored to figure out how much of each person's life has been spent with...
I made this using 44 animations that are 9 frames each. That's 396 sketches total - probably the most complicated GIF I've made so far. I am a little sad that I wasn't able to show size properly...
It seems safe to report that dude has supplanted totally as the word most often uttered by American youth, claimed Richard Hill in his 1994 paper on the history of the word dude. That might be...
THE loony music video “Gangnam Style” surpassed two billion views on YouTube this week, making it the most watched clip of all time. At 4:12 minutes, that equates to more than 140m hours, or more...
This data-driven live wallpaper displays the battery, wireless signal and notifications in a simple wallpaper visualization.
Published by Google Creative Lab.