The Battery Series is a five-part infographic series that explores what investors need to know about modern battery technology, including raw material supply, demand, and...
Olympians are young, supremely healthy people who’ve been training with the intensity of combat troops for years. Suddenly they’re released into a cocoon where prying reporters and overprotective...
This infography is based on the popular board game of Chutes and Ladders.
The game consists in navigating one's game piece, according to die rolls, from the start
(bottom square) to the finish...
Politicians like to say, 'I worked my way through college' to prove their work ethic. But four decades ago, a year of tuition could be worked off in a summer. Compared with today's kids, they had...
QS Best Student Cities is an annual index assessing cities in five key categories: university rankings, student mix, desirability, employer activity and affordability. This infographic reports the...
Aircraft is one of the common transportation methods in modern society. Similar to the ground vehicles, aircraft is also subject to various rules of air traffic control, which is the regulation for...
This infographic shows the amounts paid by football clubs and charged for players in the summer of 2015.This work allows other readings on the four major European leagues: the size of each or the...
Where do the roots of humankind lie? A video exploring the earliest origins of our species, taking the viewer on a journey about the biological and social developments that lead from apes to homo...
What lobbyist are you? This infographic prompts the user to answer questions about climate and energy policy and identify to an organization (NGO, company or professional organization) who shares...
80 Minutes in a Locked Room is a personal influence map. I decided to tell a story about my adventures in a locked room maze. In the infographic, different moods and behaviours are represented...
For pet lovers, life without furry friends in just not an option - even when there’s a garden to consider. Not to worry! Just follow these easy pet-proofing steps to keep your pet safe when...
All layers represent the duties and goals of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment in The Netherlands.
The bottom layer stands for a sustainable society. It's the foundation of all...
Infographic summarizes the cases of corruption investigated and prosecuted in Valencia and its main defendants. It is shown in chronological order each case to see in the time from when...
Probe the solar system from Mercury to Pluto with this stellar schematic of space exploration! From the Luna 2 in 1959 to the DSCOVR in 2015, this color-coded chart traces the trajectories of every...
Since the retirement of Nasa’s Space Shuttle in 2011, Soyuz has been the sole means of transportation of crew members to the International Space Station to this day (2016). This graphic attempts to...
What do Uber, Blue Apron, Classpass, Deliveroo, and Ticketmaster all have in common? They are all apart of the On-Demand Ecosystem --a model built on instant gratification. Since 1976, 673...
This infographic shows bounds and cooperations between several actors involved in the terrorist attacks in Paris and Bruxelles from Daesh.
A map and a chart describe their movements outside and...
A large scale poster mapping the football grounds of the teams in the 2015/16 English professional football leagues. The poster illustrates a fascinating juxtaposition of the playing surface...
When numbers get into the billions or trillions, they start to lose context.
The U.S. national debt is one of those numbers. It currently sits at $19.5 trillion, which is actually such a large...
Prince was much more than a prolific musician. Besides giving rise to the "Minneapolis Sound," he also had an exceptional eye for spotting talent. He created numerous musical groups and wrote hit...
Using the form of infographic design to visualize the abstract concept of memory, this picture explains how memory is transmitted between neurons where synapse plays an important role and shows the...
From the mundane to the unexpected, here is a look at products that businesses associated with the Republican presidential nominee have imported since 2007.