This is an illustrated explanation of the deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian citizens to Russia by Russian forces.
Karina Zaiets, herself displaced from Ukraine, and the USA TODAY...
Many people think of forced displacement as a before-and-after situation: that displaced families move into an IDP camp that, despite their many challenges, are relatively stable. The reality is...
This data visualization highlights the 643 venues across New York City where residents can access free safer sex products, based on data from the NYC Condom Availability Program.
In the military veterans in the United States face many challenges after separating from active duty. As a veteran of the Iraq war I have personally faced many of those challenges in my own...
The first map shows the degree of social backwardness in each state of Mexico with three indicators: illiteracy, the population over 15 years of age with incomplete basic education, and the...
“The contribution of Spanish companies on the Sustainable Development Goals" is the sixth of a series of reports that the SDGs Observatory of Esade and La Caixa Foundation have been working on for...
Lebanon has been going through its most challenging economic crisis in 70 years and is in dire need of international assistance. However, wherever funds are flowing, there is a
risk of corruption....
The project uses the Turkey-Syria earthquake of February 2023 as a starting point to present the history of earthquakes and explain the different types of earthquakes.
Completed as part of the #VizforSocialGood community project, this data visualization highlights the work of the India Water Portal and the availability of groundwater across the states and union...
The 2022-23 drought in the Horn of Africa has caused devastating, irreversible damage to families and communities, as well as the urban centres and natural ecosystems that are meant to support...
From the publisher: "No matter how rich or poor you are, economic inequality impacts every aspect of your life—the place where you live, the opportunities you experience, the healthcare you get,...
This is about different types of trees found in MIT Institute of Design, Loni Kalbhor. I collected the data of different trees and plants found around the campus and then visualised it in a single...
The BIOPRINTER project offers a unique data experience by utilizing living moss for data visualization.
The project is based on the idea that data describing a natural phenomenon can hide not only...
Professor Alison Siegler, and her team at the Federal Criminal Justice Clinic of the University of Chicago conducted an extensive examination of federal pretrial detention. What they found when...
Over the past two decades, governments around the world have responded to climate change through various initiatives and policies, with carbon pricing at the forefront.
This graphic maps 70...
To design this dashboard I tried to put myself in the shoes of a decision-maker in charge of making choices about the future of his country. I aim to create a tool capable of displaying the values...
Urbanization's effect on snake populations exacerbates the conflict. This research aims to investigate the multifaceted nature of snake-human conflict, unnecessary snake killings, and snake-bite...
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets...
Climate change is a defining and urgent 21st century global challenge which threatens global security, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and public health. In an effort to address...
This large-scale print infographic commissioned by the NGO Rede Interação and produced with the communities of Santarém, illustrates how urban life relates to climate change.
When we think of...
Completed as part of the #VizforSocialGood community project, this data visualization showcase the amazing work of Video Volunteers, a non-profit organization focused on empowering India's most...
In 2022, my household’s CO2 emissions melted the equivalent of 24m² of arctic sea ice. Now I am on a mission to find fun ways of limiting global warming. Join me on my journey to learn how to...
This large-scale print infographic commissioned by the NGO Rede Interação illustrates how life in brazilian slums and other low-income communities is being affected by climate change. Whether with...
The purpose of this map is to illustrate the varying dynamics between world population growth and correlated CO2 emissions over the same time period through a single visualization.
This geographic...
Historic storms in California barely made a dent in a daily reality for most residents — a years-long, expansive drought. This long-scroll heat map shows the devastating drought California has...
Maybe we might not see the impact of the environment if we choose to eat a steak today or pulse instead – but with every choice we can help to reduce emissions produced by food(production), the...