The clock cycles through the color wheel every 12 hours using only colors I like. The clock also changes brightness every hour so that the half-hour mark is the brightest and the hour-mark is the...
Shelter-me-not is an infographic art installation visualizing the housing issues of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, highlighting the ways in which shelter is tied to the experiences of both personal...
Artwork for Il Corriere della Sera - La Lettura on the production, export and consumption of tea in the world from 2008 to 2013. Source: Fao Food and Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
Anecdotally, aspiring musicians flock to Nashville. Portland has a vibrant food truck scene. Theater is rooted in New York City. Yet what about other cities? What is the creative fabric of...
As climate change alters habitats and disrupts ecosystems, where will animals move to survive? And will human development prevent them from getting there? This map shows the average...
A visualization of the ethnicities of the directors and actors of the 1000 highest rated movies on IMDB (February 2016). The idea originated from the debate of #OscarsSoWhite on social media. Thus,...
Unprecedented amounts of money are sloshing about England's soccer clubs – be it revenue from tickets or merchandising, the astronomical amounts spent on players and their wages, or the millions...
Smoke and Fire is an interactive visualisation of air pollution in Australia, particularly shipping plume along the east coast of New South Wales.
The aim was to present the data to experts as...
This poster was created as a piece of merchandise to accompany the Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology series on YouTube. The poster is a comprehensive and humorous look at human anatomy. The...
Our health system is primarily focused on medical information for each patient when in reality, the majority of our health is determined by factors outside that space. The Determinants of Health is...
Risk assessment tools -- tests that are supposed to measure a prisoners risk of recidivism -- are coming into increasing use. These tools can reduce the size of prison populations and avoid...
A look at the history of Batman & Superman in the context of the changes in American culture, politics and economics over the last century. The aim was to try and understand how these...
Can food be a medium? What is the taste of data?
The Data Cuisine Workshop is an experimental investigation on the representation of data with culinary means, or — if you like — edible diagrams....
Based on Reddit, Data is Beautiful showcases graphs, charts, maps and other forms of data visualization.
DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. Aesthetics are...
Visual analysis of each Euro 2016 game in game-card format. Together all the cards build a giant data map of Euro 2016 showing the route of the champion from the group stage to the final...
Some teams seem to always strike gold on draft day, while others just find rocks. (We’re looking at you, Cleveland.) Revisit the past 20 NFL drafts to see how adept every team has been at mining...
Vaccination schedules are a live political issue in the USA. We wanted a neutral entry point into this debate, so we produced this interactive, which allows our readers to compare the schedules in...
To mark the completion of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, ‘The Pursuit of Faster’ data visualisation project explores the evolution of medal winning performances across all Olympic Games since...
How do we read pie charts? Do they differ from the even more reviled donut charts? What about common pie chart designs like exploded pies? In two papers to be presented at EuroVis next week,...
In the lead-up to the much-anticipated release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we set out to log and chart every scene from every Star Wars movie. Yes, we even suffered through the prequels.
This comprehensive infographic manual uses infographics and visualizations to reinterpret William Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”. It deciphers existing content using the lens of...
When numbers get into the billions or trillions, they start to lose context.
The U.S. national debt is one of those numbers. It currently sits at $19.5 trillion, which is actually such a large...
Serif and sans serif, funny and gothic, web-friendly and print-friendly. There are millions of free and paid fonts you can use. Although this is a good thing, it creates a bit of a problem: how to...
Video data visualisation in motion design showing the urbanisation of the planet throughout the ages.
Since 2008, more than half of the humain beings live in cities. Every second, 2 people add up...