The Studio Entry ceremony at the National Institute of Design, Bangalore is conducted for the incoming batches by their respective discipline seniors.
As a fun exercise, I tried mapping a face to...
Every city has its banner. The Think Summit’s City of Technology has something more: a 12 metres long interactive flag generated and powered by the ideas and hopes of its citizens. An innovative...
The interactive installation On Broadway represents life in the 21st century city through a compilation of images and data collected along the 13 miles of Broadway that span...
Imagine having to explore, compare, and organize hundreds to thousands of small regions in one or more large images or visualizations. For example, how would you assess the typical look and...
Ein Ratgeber-Haushaltsbuch zum Thema Wäschepflege. Es geht darum, zu besserer Wäschepflege zu motivieren, Genderrollen in der Waschküche aufzulösen, auf die Wertschätzung von Kleidung aufmerksam zu...
With a large data-art landscape and accompanying charts I show the data on suicide numbers of 2017 from the Netherlands. Elements like trees, waves and clouds represent the categories of suicide...
SaferGlobe, a group of researchers and peace activists, together with Futurice, a digital consultancy, bring transparency to Finland's arms export by creating a website with interactive arms export...
Statistical fallacies are common tricks data can play on you, which lead to mistakes in data interpretation and analysis. Explore some common fallacies, with real-life examples, and find out how...
The oceans are full of rubbish: around ten
million tons of plastic flood the world's oceans every year. Single-use plastic is mass-produced but rarely recycled. The structures for collecting and...
Data visualization about the evolution of unemployment rates in Europe (by Eurostats) compared to Spain. You can roll over the name of each country to visualize differences bettwen Spain and the...