The visualization shows the Italian
cultural production system in 2014,
focusing on three factors: the effect of
the cultural system on the total
tourists’ flow; the effect of the...
Lyra is an interactive environment that enables custom visualization design without writing any code. Graphical “marks” can be bound to data fields using property drop zones; dynamically...
Since October 2009, health care organizations and their business partners have reported 1,364 large-scale data breaches, each affecting at least 500 people, to the U.S. Department of Health and...
This animation distills hundreds of years of culture into just five minutes. A team of historians and scientists wanted to map cultural mobility, so they tracked the births and deaths of notable...
In partnership with Future Cities Catapult, After the Flood turned London's boroughs into a choropleth - or series of shaded cells - that can contain numerous types of data more effectively than a...
By combining data, strategy, design and technology, CLEVERFRANKE creates tools that enable us to explore, understand and change the world to shape our future.
NASA's New Horizons flyby of Pluto caps more than 50 years of exploring our nearest celestial neighbors. Here's a chance to look back at the moons, planets, asteroids and comets photographed by...
Energy is complicated. The goal of the U.S. of Energy is to help you understand energy realities in America. Staying away from politics and not playing favourites with any individual resource....
The interactive installation On Broadway represents life in the 21st century city through a compilation of images and data collected along the 13 miles of Broadway that span...
BBC Howzstat! is a publishing system and new video format for Cricket World Cup match wrap-ups that incorporates automated data graphics and a unified visual style. Due to the need for daily...
There are more than 1,200 active satellites orbiting earth right now, taking pictures, relaying communications, broadcasting locations, spying on you, and even housing humans. Thanks to a database...
Turns out great minds don’t think alike. Discover how some of the world’s most original artists, writers and musicians structured their day, based on ‘Daily Rituals’ by Mason Currey. Filter the...
“I am sorry to say that with the importation of what will be tens of thousands of drones, by both U.S. military and by commercial interests, into U.S. airspace, with a specific mandate to engage in...
This is the tenth and final Feltron Annual Report. The world of personal data has changed considerably since the project began in 2005 and this edition attempts to capture its current state. While...
Noise in some areas of Berlin has reached levels considered hazardous to health. The Berliner Morgenpost interactive map shows where the noise in Berlin is potentially harmful, detailing the...
The M29 bus route cuts straight through Berlin. It starts in the villa districts in the west of the city, passes through the troubled inner city areas, and ends in Berlin’s trendiest districts....
Founded by noted analyst Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight made its name aggregating political polls and now features data-heavy stories on a range of topics from science to...
By analysing over 1,250 attempted transactions – both successful and failed – we can observe the ebb and flow of Chinese investments and contracts. Momentum has grown since 2010 with the energy and...
Hurricane Katrina was the United States’s most costly and destructive weather disaster in recent history, but how does it compare with other events?
@LazaroGamio @DeniseDSLu
Overall, the US is relying less on coal for power. In 40 states, use of coal as a power source (as a share of all power sources) has dropped since 2004. Many of these states are increasingly...
This data-driven live wallpaper displays the battery, wireless signal and notifications in a simple wallpaper visualization.
Published by Google Creative Lab.
Skeptics of manmade climate change offer various natural causes to explain why the Earth has warmed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. But can these account for the planet's rising temperature?This...
The Guardian began investigating Homan Square, a secretive Chicago police warehouse, in February 2015. After launching a transparency lawsuit, the Guardian has forced the Chicago police...