FinDev Canada opened in 2018 with the goal of supporting the growth and sustainability of businesses in developing markets. After only two years of operations, they were ready to present their...
This data visualization provides insights on the attrition trends in an organization with several breakdowns by department, job role, demographics, and survey scores. The glassmorphism design and...
Memorandum of the Pamplona Commonwealth of Municipalities, the institution responsible for water supply, waste treatment and public transport in the metropolitan area of the capital city. It...
This data visualization represents the admitted patient care activity in English NHS hospitals and English NHS-commissioned activity in the independent sector during 2019-2020. This dashboard...
In 2019, we were contacted by Ilmueo, a data science company, to collaborate with them in finding a way to create a powerful visual experience that highlighted all projects that they have done...
2021 was the year when we created our first ever greeting card, taking the form of a retrospective of our work. This project was made possible by one of the most visible aspects of the company's...
Metroverse is an urban economy navigator built at the Growth Lab at Harvard University. It is based on over a decade of research on how economies grow and diversify and offers a detailed look into...