Garden of Nymphaeas_ The HDI in Latin America and the Caribean by UNIVERSITY FUMEC

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: living a long and healthy life, being educated and having a decent standard of living. Technically, the index incorporates three dimensions of human development that are aggregated into a composite index using a geometric mean used to quantify countries' performance on each dimension: the health dimension is measured by life expectancy at birth, the education dimension is measured by half of years of schooling for adults aged 25 and over and expected years of schooling for children of school-entry age. The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national income per capita.

On the other hand, one of the biggest criticisms of the HDI is that it does not cover all the complexity involved in determining a country's quality of life. By current criteria, it is possible that dictatorships have much greater human development than some democracies.

Likewise, social inequality is also not taken into account in the traditional calculation of the HDI. A country can have income extremely concentrated in the richest strata of the population, associated with high levels of poverty and still have a high HDI.

To try to confirm these criticisms in the Latin America and the Caribean countries has done the "Garden of Nymphaeas_ The HDI in Latin America and the Caribean" diagram that shows 33 countries organized in ascending order of their HDI number. And It was associated for to this index, there are four other indices linked to each country: Population, Economic Income, GINI Index and Democracy Index.
