Health Care Vitals by Jack Beckwith

Health Care Cost Institute and The DataFace collaborated to create Health Care Vitals, an interactive dashboard that allows users to examine health care utilization trends across different services, U.S. states, and demographic groups. The data is presented in a variety of beautiful, interactive charts that allow users to drill deeply into the data and easily download it.

HCCI developed this resource to track services that are critically important to public health and a well-functioning health care system. Researchers, policymakers, and journalists can use this data to:

-Monitor use of common services across the majority of the U.S. insured population.
-Profile changes in provider practice patterns through examination of service use.
-Pinpoint the effects of national and state level public health policies and initiatives on health care use.
-Observe the impact of natural phenomena, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, on the health care system.

Primarily, the dashboard allows users to track patterns of health care service use, expressed per 100,000 people. This standardized measure enables comparisons of the volume of services used across different populations. This dashboard presents data at a monthly level.

The initial version of Health Care Vitals was released in January 2023 to the public and will get updated annually.

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