Amplia Saúde Stories - investigating the relationship between environmental pollution and maternal and newborn health in Brazil by Almeida Studio

Amplia Saúde is a project dedicated to providing scientists, researchers and the general public with a more sophisticated data visualization and analysis tool for investigating the relationship between environmental pollution and maternal and newborn health in Brazil.

For its science communication front, I, as a freelance data designer, developed Amplia Stories: a series of 4 short webstories presented on the project website which uncover some of the interesting insights contained in the datasets we provide access to.

From comparisons between the neonatal health of populations in the most and less polluted cities of the country, to explainers on maternal health issues, this project provides an engaging panorama of the issue through the use of motion graphics, data humanism principles and maps.

This project is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CNPq, and FAPERJ and supported by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.
