W.E.B Du Bois 1900 Paris Exposition Recreations by The Duboisians

W.E.B Du Bois 1900 Paris Exposition Recreations

decksh recreations of visualizations in "W.E.B Dubois's Data Portraits, Visualizing Black America" edited by Whitney Battle-
Baptiste and Britt Rusert (ISBN 978-1-61689-706-2)

Plate 1: The Georgia Negro
Plate 2: Relative Negro Population of the States of the United States
Plate 3: States of the United States According to Their Negro Population
Plate 4: Negro Population of Georgia
Plate 5: Negro Population of Georgia by Counties, 1890
Plate 6: Negro Population of Georgia by Counties, 1870, 1880
Plate 7: Comparative Increase of White and Colored Population of Georgia
Plate 8: Migration of Negroes 1890
Plate 9: Age Distribution of Georgia Negroes Compared with France
Plate 10: Conjugal Condition
Plate 11: City and Rural Population 1890
Plate 12: Slave and Free Negroes
Plate 13: Race Amalgamation in Georgia
Plate 14: Illiteracy
Plate 15: Children in the Public Schools
Plate 16: Teachers in Georgia Public Schools
Plate 17: Number Of Negro Students Taking The Various Courses Of Study Offered In Georgia Schools
Plate 18: Value of Land Owned by Georgia Negroes
Plate 19: Acres of Land Owned by Negroes in Georgia
Plate 20: Land Owned by Negroes in Georgia, USA, 1870-1900
Plate 21: Valuation of Town and City Property Owned by Georgia Negroes
Plate 22: Assessed Valuation of all Taxable Property Owned by Georgia Negroes
Plate 23: Negro population in two cities of Georgia
Plate 24: Value of Farming Tools
Plate 25: Assessed Value of Household and Kitchen Furniture Owned by Georgia Negroes
Plate 26: Occupations Of Georgia Negroes
Plate 27: Occupations Of Negroes And Whites In Georgia
Plate 30: Condition of 300 Negro Farm Tenants After 1 Year's Toil, 1898
Plate 31: Income and Expenditure
Plate 37: A Series Of Statistical Charts Illustrating The Conditions Of Descendants Of Formal African Slaves Now Resident In The Unites States
Plate 38: Distribution of Negroes in the United States
Plate 39: Increase in the Negro Population in the United States
Plate 40: Comparative rate of increase of the White and Negro elements population of the United States
Plate 41: Population Comparison
Plate 42: Population Proportions
Plate 43: Occupations in which American Negroes are engaged
Plate 44: Proportion of Whites and Negroes in the different classes
Plate 45: Occupations in which 10,000 or more American Negroes are engaged
Plate 46: Number of Negro teachers in the Public Schools of the United States
Plate 47: Illiteracy of the American Negro compared with other nations
Plate 48: Enrollment in the Negro common school of the former slave States
Plate 49: Proportion Of Total Negro Children Of School Age Who Are Enrolled In The Public Schools
Plate 50: The Rise of Negroes from Slavery to Freedom in One Generation
Plate 51: Proportion of Freemen and Slaves
Plate 52: City and Rural Population
Plate 53: Conjugal condition of American Negroes according to age periods
Plate 54: Amalgamation of the White and Black elements of the population in the United States
Plate 55: Proprietes contribuables des Nègres dans trois Etats des Etats Unis
Plate 56: Negro landowners
Plate 57: Negro business men in the United States
Plate 58: Pauperism among American Negroes
Plate 59: Mortality of American Negroes
Plate 60: Crime among American Negroes
Plate 61: American Negro newspapers and periodicals
Plate 62: Religion of American Negroes
Plate 63: Statistics of Negro Church Organizations
Plate XX: Decrease of Illiteracy Among Black Freedmen of the United States (not in the book discovered by Jason Forrest)

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