Indicators for an Inclusive Regional Economy by Graphicacy

Across Minnesota’s Twin Cities’ region, exclusionary policies have historically limited economic opportunities for Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Hispanic residents. On behalf of the nonprofit Center for Economic Inclusion (the Center), Graphicacy designed and built a data platform to shine a light on disparities across groups. The Indicators for an Inclusive Regional Economy serves as a dynamic catalyst for reform, inspiring action among employers, policymakers, and others capable of moving the needle for greater inclusivity.

The landing page features a Sankey style diagram, showing the connections between the datasets included in the site, and the data disaggregation by race or ethnicity available for each indicator, highlighting any gaps in the data.

Each indicator has its own dedicated visualization, with robust interactivity to allow the user to refocus the chart around any race or ethnicity category. This refocused view changes the point of reference, showing disparities between groups. Custom insights are generated on the fly for users: by hovering over any bar, a small popup appears with a sentence description of the data being shown, along with any relevant comparisons.
