Data Dance Movement by Syennie Valeria

Data Dance Movement is a response to Asian hate incidents and bystander intervention mainly related to Covid-19. In this design research project, I collected qualitative information through collage-making workshops as well quantitative data from the Twitter hashtag #ichbinkeinvirus.

This work aims to empower the Asian diaspora, evolve stereotypes and act as a call for allyship. It also invites people to reflect on and respond to questions, such as: How might I actively stand against Asian hate and racism? What does allyship mean, and how might I demonstrate or surface my own allyship?

I've used sonification and social choreography as key mediums with which to represent and respond to the data generated by my research. I established a visual language and a set of shapes or movements made with the upper body. I then translated this, with the help of some of my collaborators, into a piece of social choreography. I have then used this to launch a campaign on my Instagram (@syennie_like_shiny) where people have been replicating and re-combining the defined gestures to create their own narratives and visualise their allyship.

There are many ways to create solidarity and become an ally. I see all of the different collaborations that made this project possible as acts of allyship and solidarity. I hope the documentation of my methods and approaches in my project will serve as a foundation for others who are interested in fostering solidarity, to build on in the future.

*Please check the website to listen to the sonification and watch the choreography.
