I've always loved reading and learning about languages. So naturally, I love to make data visualisations about languages as well! I'm also a geek, and since I've been curious about how different...
As our access to fresh water becomes threatened and the demand for virtual water is increasing, the need for understanding and knowing our virtual water footprint is essential. This series of...
This visualization uses ternary plots to compare the top 20 triple-double leaders in the NBA. The plots use 3 measures: points, rebounds, and assists. Variations can be seen between players of...
This visualisation looks into the music that was sent into space as part of the Voyager program from NASA in 1977. The sole task for the Golden Record is to act as an Ambassador for Earth in the...
Information and Violence is an interactive data visualization showing a timeline of major U.S. news headlines along with monthly gun sales and homicides counts from 2016 to 2021. Since 2016, the...
2020 News
Was All So Bad, But Maybe
Less Bad as Haikus?
Prompting and visualizing 2,700 gloomy haikus about news events from 2020 (from ~2,000 authors on Mechanical Turk), forever...
This project is an exploration of how much swimming has improved since the beginning of the 20th Century. It includes three different visualizations: the first one focuses in the average speeds of...
I overlayed 5 different time periods of humans to see how each related to animals, assuming the pregnancy length did not change (there was no data on pregnancies from Pre-1900s).
This was a data-driven story created in collaboration with Birdlife International and the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force. It portrays how the conservation of migratory birds, which travel...
Who would the rest of the world vote for? A data-driven digital experience visualizing “soft” and “human” data to discover the world’s interest in the 2016 US presidential candidates.
By looking...
Investigating digital inequalities in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat through storytelling, interactive data visualizations, and 5 fictional characters representing at-risk individuals.
Why did the "game" "Blue Whale" become popular in social networks in Russia and other countries? On the basis of psychological research, I describe the causes of children and teenagers'...
The Swiss Post recently presented various information and resources on e-commerce. The scrollable microsite conveys the notion of e-commerce being more than just an online shop. Interdisciplinary...
China's emergence as a global power is likely to be the most consequential factor in twenty-first-century international politics. Yet the nature of Chinese power is poorly understood. Its...
In order to allow an in-depth, more detailed exploration of the issues addressed in the interactive survey, a further step in the application user-flow allows people to access more complex...
I hate stats like “Golden State had an unbelievable 21 point comeback.”
There’s no context. Did the comeback take 8 minutes or 24 minutes? An 8 minute, 21 point comeback would be more...
Statistical fallacies are common tricks data can play on you, which lead to mistakes in data interpretation and analysis. Explore some common fallacies, with real-life examples, and find out how...
A representation of James Weldon Johnson's poem "Lift Every Voice and Sing", also known as the "Negro National Anthem" in the form of the American Flag
Jordanian orphans and children given up at birth are expected to survive and thrive once they leave the care system. But in a country where family is everything, these children face relentless...
A data-driven portrait of UAE’s milestones, population, and GDP over 50 years.
Data is powerful. When used correctly, it can tell an even more powerful story. Using 379 data points i.e. 50 years...
cf. city flows is a comparative visualization of urban bike mobility designed to help citizens casually analyze bike-sharing systems in the context of a public exhibition space. Three...
At the end of 2021, we created a visualization of our work for our annual greeting card and it worked so well that it launched a new tradition at Voilà:. Each year, we would create something...