This is a story about how film plots mirror (or shape) historical events.
For example, how early did the film industry portray the AIDS epidemic? Has movie representation of Islam changed with...
A tilegram map of the world showing which countries are the biggest spenders on public health, compared to Gross National Income. Each country is also measured on health indicators.
We made a small analysis of how often and in what part of a word each letter of the Russian alphabet appears in the language as a whole. This graph shows the relative distribution of each letter,...
How does the impact of a scientist's work change over a scientific career?
Does impact, arguably the most relevant performance measure, follow predictable patterns?
Can we predict the timing...
Christopher Nolan`s Thriller Memento deals with a man who suffers from a short-term memory loss, an alleged murder and the nature of the crime. Furthermore the component of vengeance is addressed....