This is one of four posters in a series, representing Moscow Urban Forum on World Cities Summit 2014 in Singapore. Despite geographical and cultural differences, big cities all over the world...
This project maps war dead recoded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission during the First World War. It's an attempt to quantify the price of the conflict and equate the scale to a contemporary...
Displayed on touchscreens and mobiles at HP Discover Las Vegas, HP What Matters uses data visualization to showcase the results of a survey of 3 500 IT executives.
An overview of performance of Slovenian parliamentary members during several periods. See if they were present at important sessions on the timelines of attendance, and which group apart from their...
In this design brief I was given a data set of crime rates around the country, these statistics were divided into categories for each county. My task was to design an interactive chart that could...
The data used to create this print (produced by NASA’s SEDAC) have been mapped many times before and in many complex ways, but I found something particularly beautiful simply using only black and...
The Science of Jogging: How To Run Better?' is about the quality and habits of running, analyzed from an exclusively Swiss perspective, and mapping the amounts of runners and their average...
An infographic on heat waves and snow storms in 35 cities around the globe, by Timm Kekeritz. Statistics on weather are everywhere: on TV, in newspapers, on our mobile phones. But weather is more...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
The Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS) is a one-stop web platform to access community-based flood conditions, forecasts, visualizations, inundation maps and flood related data, information, and...
With the Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow at a critical time in Scotland’s history, BBC News decided to preview the Games so viewers could get an insight into the excitement that was to come....
What happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy? This exceptionally vertical magazine page spread shows it all, addressing several topics, head to toe. The page is part of a special series of...
This video imagines a future where Earth has been ravaged by wars, cyclones, food shortages, destructive weather and turned into areas of uninhabitable zones. And yet cities would still make bids...
The visualization shows the responses of teachers to some questions of the survey undertaken by the OECD TALIS 2013 with the aim of providing a detailed image of the situation of teaching. The...
In 2012 I published a 6-panel infographic explaining the complexities of the Iranian internet. Today, more than ever, we know that censorship is not just happening in countries with oppressive...
Planet Earth is this solid thing you are standing on right now. In your everyday life you don't really waste a thought about how amazing this is. A giant, ancient, hot rock. How did it come...
The Center for Public Integrity systematically examined the new radical reordering of campaign finance in 2012 state level elections to assess the impact of the Citizens United U.S. Supreme Court...