The Periodic Table of Storytelling provides an entry point into TVTropes. Much like Mendeleev's Periodic Table, this infographic organizes the fundamental building blocks of storytelling into...
The 2012 Xylem Value of Water Index is a nationwide poll of American voters detailing what they think should be done about the country's water crisis and who should pay for it.
The key findings of...
This web Application visually organizes the U.S. Presidential Election results. It provides the viewer with a more in-depth analysis beyond the red and blue divide.
With the fine weather on everyone's lips this summer, I decided to investigate if this really was the best summer ever. I sourced data from Met Eireann—the Irish meteorological service—and used...
Recently the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( released a report detailing Medicare Provider Charge Data which shows the cost of procedures or DRGs at various hospitals across...
In this data visualisation, we chart the source material for the highest-grossing film every year since the original blockbuster, –Gone with the Wind' in 1939. Many were inspired by comic books, TV...
Fracking is a controversial topic. On the one side the gas drilling companies, on the other citizen opposed to this drilling method. Politicians are also divided on the matter. We try to take a...
This is the 5th Edition of the Colour wheel calendar designed by London based Creative ghin. The poster is a typographical exploration of the conventional calendar.
By using the colours of the...