Heights of 13million buildings in England. Data is from LiDAR data & building outlines open data.
The visualization uses vector map tiles (from Open Street Map basemaps), MapboxGL, Angular JS,...
Serif and sans serif, funny and gothic, web-friendly and print-friendly. There are millions of free and paid fonts you can use. Although this is a good thing, it creates a bit of a problem: how to...
This interactive data visualization shows all of the 5100 Olympic gold medal winners since the 1st Olympic Games of 1896 (and the current Olympic Records). They are ordered by sport, edition,...
A visualization of the ethnicities of the directors and actors of the 1000 highest rated movies on IMDB (February 2016). The idea originated from the debate of #OscarsSoWhite on social media. Thus,...
Since 2008 I create network visualizations to better understand how communities work. In this article I take a look at how verified Twitter users are connected and who they are.
After some lengthy investigative work, I was leaked an internal report by Transport for London revealing a 121% increase in reports of rough sleeping on London’s night buses. But the numbers needed...
A visual display of the varieties of tea from China and Taiwan. As the second most widely consumed beverage, second only to water, tea has a lot more varieties than you would think. Like wine where...
Over the past 40 years, we have changed from a world in which underweight prevalence was more than double that of obesity, to one in which more people are obese than underweight
"Pluto comes into focus" was a creative, interactive story that aimed to showcase scientific discovery at the edges of our solar system in real time.
Until very recently the best images we had...
After a bitterly contested Australian election, the returned Government of Malcolm Turnbull faces the prospect of negotiating with various blocs of other parties in order to pass its agenda through...
According to a recent report from the Freedom House, 61% of Internet users live in countries where government criticism is restricted. Though widespread globally, censorship is not evenly...
Data Selfie is a Chrome browser extension that I used to track myself while I interact – click, type, scroll, dwell – with content on Facebook and that predicts various personality traits and...
In the aftermath of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters, millions were displaced, and once bustling communities became husks of their past selves. While the emptiness of these places is...
A nonstandard project, encompassing a data visualization presentation, interactive slides, and collection of 9 blogs. It strives to inspire others to show a dedication to details, to go beyond the...
This interactive lets users explore the complicated dynamics of election demographics, adjusting the turnout and political leaning of different groups to swing states to the Democrats or the...
To capture the toll of terror, the Los Angeles Times tracked every fatal act of terrorism around the world in April. By the end of the month, terror had struck 180 times and killed 858. The project...
To mark the completion of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, ‘The Pursuit of Faster’ data visualisation project explores the evolution of medal winning performances across all Olympic Games since...
The obesity epidemic plaguing much of the developed (and developing) world has long been blamed on excess fat consumption, but recently sugar has emerged as the more likely culprit.
This piece...
During the Climate Conference we published 3 visualizations on the impact of human CO2 emissions. A simulation in which the ‘bubble rate’ reflects the actual CO2 emission rate makes the different...
The Haute Route is the pinnacle of amateur stage riding. Set on closed roads over extremely challenging mountainous routes, it also boasts pro-level timing and support.