This visualization represents the correlations between the 10 key factors in the smart city rankings published by Eden Strategy Institute in their Top 50 Smart City Government Ranking 2020/2021...
This chart visualises the accuracy of high temperature forecasts made by the USA National Weather Service between January 2021 and June 2022, within a 12 hour window. Proportional area charts show...
How do you define the neighborhoods in your city? Axios created an interactive game that lets readers draw boundaries for select neighborhoods in their city and compare their responses to the...
“Breaking point” is a multimedia story that provides an in-depth, data-driven look at the global shipbreaking industry. Drawing on thousands of manually compiled records, interviews, and firsthand...
The project comprises a publicly accessible, interactive webmap, aimed to communicate the rise and fall of London’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) temporally over the course of the 2 year COVID...
During winter 2022-2023 California experienced record snowfall, with some areas receiving over 20m (65ft). This map illustrates this snowfall thematically using 50 sq km hex-bins that each show the...
Investigating digital inequalities in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat through storytelling, interactive data visualizations, and 5 fictional characters representing at-risk individuals.
This data experience compares our near ravenous appetite for cheap polyester clothes fuelled by fast fashion brands against the slowness of it’s discard and decay.
The pile — a comparison
Natural disasters, including earthquakes, with their great power, can have devastating effects on a massive scale. This work examines the earthquakes that have occurred worldwide between the years...
We are sensorial creatures who inhabit the world surrounded by sensory data (Serres, 2008); also, we experience the world by continually engaging all the senses (Le, 2017). In such a context, we...
In the summer of 2022, the water levels in the Yangtze, China’s largest river, hit a record low due to low rainfall in the river basin, reduced water flowing in from its upper reaches, and hotter...
The in-house bakery makes hundreds of bakery products each day for the students to consume them but a lot of people do know about it. This data helps to understand the different products produced...
This project uses an interactive 3D globe with over 1,000 relatively evenly distributed points over Earth's landmasses to tell the story of climate change. You can animate each point's temperature...
Climate change has a direct impact on the intensity and frequency of heavy rainfall and heat waves. This is shown by the IPCC reports from 2021. The interactive data story “Weather Extreme”...
What is the definition of drought?
The drought problem due to climate change is frequently in the news. But what exactly is drought? When I consult the site of KNMI (The Royal Netherlands...
Urban trees matter to everyone, but especial children. This visualization looks at the American Forest's Tree Equity Score data set for Los Angeles through the lens of kids and their...
The visualization shows different types of positions and hierarchies in the security system that manages and controls the well-being of the campus. Moreover the allotment of security guards at each...
Unveil MIT's cupboard usage insights! My project deciphers trends in MIT's varied areas – academic, maker spaces, dining, admin, and sports. Visualize data to optimize usage, allocate smartly, and...
Curbing global warming, halting the loss of biodiversity, and building a just and equitable economy are among the world’s most pressing needs. To track progress and reveal systemic obstacles to...
Sankey diagrams show the distribution of households according to security experience and household income, the frequency of interruption of water supply according to income, and the frequency...
Water is a basic human right, but even today over 2 billion people worldwide don't have access to safe drinking water. Some countries have easy access to drinkable tap water while others have to...
When it comes to sand mining, the Singapore government is often closed to scrutiny. As a result, it is often cast as a villain, guzzling sand from its neighbours while it grows bigger through...
This publication explores plastic bag usage in the UK, considering the juxtaposition of perspectives from the supermarkets and in turn the consumers.
The data presented visualises: The number of...
Forecast is a nostalgic window that uses light and mist to experientially recreate past weather conditions for a future civilisation forced underground by climate change.
Inspired by the rising...
When geometry and human intuition meet: What becomes of the intersection between pragmatic visual tools and emotion?
Everybody worries about something. Worrying is an act of the everyday that...