Since Iran’s Constitutional Revolution in 1905 and the birth of modern media in the country, successive Iranian governments have intimidated, imprisoned, tortured and killed journalists and...
This interactive data visualization shows all of the 5100 Olympic gold medal winners since the 1st Olympic Games of 1896 (and the current Olympic Records). They are ordered by sport, edition,...
The goal of this project is to use data to allow people to explore an average financial situation under a variety of constraints. We often hear comments by politicians or opinion writers that if...
This infographic comprehensively maps out all the ways of winning in different sports, clustering the world's sports according to what counts as winning (eg, being the fastest, being the most...
As a geography student I love making maps, and after Obama's last state of the union address I became interested in gerrymandering. So of course I made maps! I hope they can help others become...
At the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), I've made dozens of infographics / data visualisations to present data from investigations, educational resources and research articles. Our main...
The ‘Bursa’ industrial area in Ramat-Gan has been undergoing a process of change as efforts are made to transform it into Tel aviv's business center. The change are far from being complete as the...
We present Data-Driven Guides, a technique for designing expressive data graphics. Instead of being confined by predefined templates or marks, designers can generate guides from data and use the...