This timeplot is a visualization of the progression in political ideology of every House seat from 1789 to 2012. The main stream is made of more than 36,000 circles, each representing one...
In the American television show "The Office", main character Michael Scott is known for delivering "That's what she said" jokes (often at the worst moments). While Michael makes the most jokes over...
The March 1st Independence Movement, which took place on March 1, 1919, was an incident in which Korea protested against unjust and violent the Japanese Empire's rule and rose up throughout the...
"Every single text of scripture points to Christ...from Moses to the prophets. Every verse of scripture finds its fulfillment in Him and every story in the bible ends with Him." - Al Mohler
The project comprises a publicly accessible, interactive webmap, aimed to communicate the rise and fall of London’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) temporally over the course of the 2 year COVID...
This project stems from a Datatón focused on childhood and adolescence in Mexico in 2023. It is aimed at researchers, decision-makers, and individuals with an interest in obtaining preventive...
This table lists four groups of data from 31 provinces in China, including the total number of applicants in each year, the number of applicants in each province and the rate of admission. The...
Missing masterpieces draw headlines, but most stolen art is crushingly quotidian-a family portrait "lost" by a moving company, a landscape snatched with the jewelry during a break-in. The FBI's...
Jeff Bezos is now in the 5th spot on world’s wealthiest people list. But he was born poor. He wanted to start a business right after college but didn’t. So how did he start?
Inaugurate is an interactive guide to presidential inauguration speeches through the lens of Google Search, built by Jan Willem Tulp of Tulp Interactive in connection with the Google News Lab and...
A modern graphic interpretation of the Paris mass transit system. It is original art inspired by the paths of the Paris metro and the RER railroad. LinePosters is the collaboration of a graphic...
When election promises are not kept, this is met with incomprehension in our society. Behind political decisions often stand compromises, which are necessary to generate majorities. They form the...
This interactive globe shows the geology of Earth over the past 750 million years. Users can enter their locations to see where their homes are on the Pangaea supercontinent and other unique...
Makes automatic Isotype diagrams - render your data in a 1940's style statistical visual langage!
The application gives you the choice between several isotype layouts. A broad library contains...
To create Paradise Papers, we used interactive graphics to illustrate complex concepts relating to secret, often convoluted tax machinations of some of the world’s most powerful people and...
The Gaming industry has changed. In the last five years, cell phones evolved worldwide to process complex games that would otherwise only run on consoles. A gamer - once the image of a young boy...
Malaysia is a multiracial, multilingual and multicultural country. The Chinese, as the second largest race, has also influenced the cultural development of the local society. Malaysian Chinese...
The Future Frontier is mapping and tracking complex issues and predictions that may shape the society & citizen, environment, technology, and government of future to offer a new way for...
The clustering of instruments by gender reflects prejudices that date back to the 19th century, or earlier. Women were discouraged from playing instruments that might distort their facial features,...
Italy is considered to be one of the countries with the highest number of cultural properties but it is very difficult to estimate their amount, know their location and maintenance status. The...
The Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) monitors the development of coronavirus in Serbia and its impact on the lives of people since the beginning of the pandemic. Since there is...
War and Peace — a vast novel with many characters and events, historical facts and locations. We visualized relations between the characters and how these evolve, movements of the characters on the...
The initially loaded 350 are generally well-known sites. Sites are ordered by size by referring subnets and their size is determined by their referring domains.
My baby Ethan (18 months) went on his first summer break. He finished the nursery and had almost three weeks off. I took most of the time off and focused on spending quality time with him. I wanted...
Every year Russian deputies publish their income declarations. In addition to earnings, MPs and their family members should declare real estate owned or rented (apartments, country houses, garages,...