With the interactive map, users can follow the Berlin Marathon in time lapse for the first time, and compare the runners. The application shows how fast all 35,827 runners that finished the 2016...
A special historical project by Russian news agency TASS dedicated to one of the most dramatic pages in Russia’s past – the Patriotic War of 1812. This program is based on a map outlined by French...
This interactive data explorer is built by acclaimed designer Moritz Stefaner and his team at Truth & Beauty, using Google Trends data. It’s also the second in the Google News Lab’s series of...
How does the impact of a scientist's work change over a scientific career?
Does impact, arguably the most relevant performance measure, follow predictable patterns?
Can we predict the timing...
The Report involves a range of data visualizations, depicting diverse phenomena and processes within the company. Each of them is a result of multistage processing of data, through spreadsheets,...
In the context of understanding the complex phenomenon of violent religious radicalization, this map details the journey of ISIS’ foreign fighters to the territories of the Caliphate, as well as of...
The Shadow Peace is a documentary series that asks thought-provoking questions about war, peace, and humanity using a unique form of cinematic data visualization. The first episode, "The Nuclear...
Data sketches is a ±yearlong collaboration in 12 instalments. On average taking a month per project, Nadieh & Shirley create an extensive data visualization of a different topic and write about...
As a geography student I love making maps, and after Obama's last state of the union address I became interested in gerrymandering. So of course I made maps! I hope they can help others become...
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have played Google’s game Quick, Draw! prompting us to ask what takeaways it might have for global culture, like whether your location and language...