“垃圾”与“美好”似乎是两条永远不可能相交的平行线,作品将身边的“有色垃圾”制成颜料,并用这些特殊的“油墨”记录身边的生活。此时,垃圾不再是人们疏远的东西,它不仅得到了再生利用,更成了记录情感的伙伴。海报将每种颜色的制作流程用信息可视化的形式表现出来。("Garbage" and "good" seem to be two parallel lines that can never be...
Timeline of the history of an iconic character of Russian classic cartoon Cheburashka. He is an "animal unknown to science", with large monkey-like ears. First appeared in 1966 book and 1969 film,...
A visualization of national anthems in the world.
Nowadays, a massive amount of data about the economy, education, environment, history, etc. were put together to recognize a country. A national...
The emotion...
The food industry profits from providing poor quality foods, with poor nutritional value, that people eat a lot of.
Thankfully we have The Michelin Guide | Main Countries of Europe...
Bonsai, is one of the traditional Chinese fine arts. Plants and rocks comprise the basic materials
for artwork that expresses natural landscape in a small basin.
This flow visualisation allows you to follow the castaways from Australian Survivor, Season 2 through their alliances and eliminations of until there is only one 'sole survivor'. The twists and...
The title of the Project is "WordoScope- what do words say about Horoscope. The project was developed from data which had a set of words. This data was collected from 2200 horoscopes and had words...
This paper mainly introduces some basic techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion, as well as the chart of acupuncture points, the basic apparatus and historical evolution information, and presents...
Presented in the form of timeline: Decorative art of book in China which are classified according to different materials and forms,
Binding styles of Chinese ancient books mainly include oracle...
Addiction-Prediction is a cocktail application made with Processing, you can choose a cocktail from the dataset of the International Bartenders Association and the program will show you how to make...
It is a commonly held belief that Hong Kong is blessed with a relatively large number of public holidays to compensate for employers traditionally limiting their workers’ annual leave. Marco...
This interactive essay explores the 175-year performance history (as of 2017) of the New York Philharmonic, and takes a look at how some aspects of performances at the Phil have changed through the...
If we take the pleasure and abstractness of the senses when we appreciate music in the daytime and use the physical model to image the emotion on the crystal, you will get a great feast. The...
The project was timed to coincide with the centenary of the execution of Emperor Nicholas II and his family. It focuses on the remaining members of the Romanov dynasty who emigrated after the...
Radiohead has been my favorite band for a while, so I am used to people politely suggesting that I play something “less depressing.” Much of Radiohead’s music is undeniably sad, and this post...
What melody pops in your mind when a piece of memory is triggered? Re-lab displays categorized and themed stats to show the audience how pop music is related to the daily life. From the facts of...
This project sought to introduce the concept of film release strategies to a broader audience and determine which formula is used most by Oscars Best Picture winners.
The two main release...
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in October 2016 at the age of 88, was Thailand’s monarch for seven decades. Preparations for a lavish, five-day funeral with a budget of $90 million took nearly a...
This work is based on the age, each time period has a different way of operation, from the joystick to the VR, while using the equipment of each era and a representative game as an auxiliary...