Mobility: engine of our regional economy by CLEVER°FRANKE,

Chicago is a major transport hub in the US and mobility being its vital economic driver. In light of an estimated population growth of 2 million in the next decades, its infrastructure is in desperate need of improvements. These improvements call for new investments such as raising taxes and congestion charging.

CMAP (the regional planning office for Northeastern Illinois) approached CLEVER°FRANKE to create a micro-site to highlight the issues at hand. The site aims to educate and influence policy makers, and at the same time raise public awareness on the topic. The website combines interactive (3D) data visualisations, charts, time-lapse videos and aerial photography to tell a complete story of issues and proposed solutions.

The design concept revolves around ‘zooming’ in and out from macro to micro perspective on the region. The macro perspective provides insight into major trends and challenges for the region, whereas the micro perspective shows the impact of these developments to its inhabitants and their everyday lives. This project has garnered huge recognition in local and national media and focus attention on investing in infrastructure for the future.

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