These tax cuts are set to reshape Australia’s budget. Do you understand their true scale? by Australian Broadcasting Corporation

‘These tax cuts are set to reshape Australia’s budget’ had a single goal – put the massive $243 billion price tag of the stage 3 tax cuts into perspective.

It’s easy for one’s eyes to glaze over at such a big number, so we took on the challenge of depicting it visually.

We used visual size (and lots of scrolling) to compare it to other costs, while maintaining a conversational tone throughout.

By starting with smaller costs that are familiar to readers, and then building up to comparable expenses in the national budget, we aimed to give readers a better sense of the scale of money being talked about.

The story had an impressive impact, with more than 575,000 page views. Here is a sample of the audience feedback:

"You and your team are a shining example of modern journalism acting for human rights and equity, holding our politicians to account, in ways which are so exciting and undoubtedly effective. I am sure this article (and the others you do) will make a big difference to millions of people’s lives."

"Excellent and effective article! Well done and full credit to your journalist Julian Fell and the others."

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