Instacart's 2022 Delivered by Jack Beckwith

Instacart and The DataFace partnered on 2022 Delivered, an annual data report that focuses on interesting cultural trends.

This one dives deep into the crossover between FoodTok — the subgenre on TikTok devoted to documenting interesting recipes and food trends — and purchasing behavior on Instacart. We wanted to answer a pressing question: when a recipe goes viral on TikTok, does it actually make it into people’s carts?

To find out, we analyzed Instacart’s purchase data — which reflects millions of grocery transactions across the U.S. and Canada — to uncover whether people actually “carted” the ingredients for 20 prominent #FoodTok recipes.

You might be surprised by which viral trends drove significant orders on Instacart and which didn’t.

  • Credits
    The DataFace: Sam Vickars - Design Manager Aria Todd - Visual Designer Michael Hester - Technical Director Jack Beckwith - Creative Director Instacart: Alex Orellana - Data Storytelling Manager Hilary Burns - Senior Communications Manager, Brand Comms Erica Kolari - Communications Manager, Brand & Consumer Chrissy Trampedach - Senior Director, Communications
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