QUIZ: Do you feel what others around you feel? by birmingham city university

This story explains what people worldwide have been feeling in 2021, based on Gallup’s World Happiness Report. In addition, it also lets people compare with others and explore further.

I used a quiz, a gamification technique, to challenge the readers to compare themself with others. I personalised the quiz –using the registrational interactivity technique– by inviting the users to choose their country.

Following the quiz, I used a scrorytelling to explain the story. I highlighted several findings from the survey while guiding the users to continue to explore – in the explore section, which is the last part of the story.

Thus, in a short story(around 300 words and 3 chapters), I aimed to tell a story about people’s emotional states to an international audience in an engaging way using simple tools.
I used four interactivity techniques: personalisation, gamification, scrollytelling and explore section.

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