No ocean, No data by London College of Communication

The UN is promoting the compilation of a global database in order to know countries achievements towards a more sustainable sea. ‘Life Below Water’ is the 14th goal of Sustainable development for 2025-2030. Its 10 indicators focus on the conservation and sustainability of the oceans, seas and marine resources.

The project focuses on Target 14.b.1 that measures the progress by number of countries in the degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries. Each country is in charge of collecting and submitting the figures of each indicator. However, in 2020 the Philippines supplied only 3 figures and have not been part of the world, region and subregion statistics.

8 years to 2030, it’s not about reaching the goal, recognizing which countries are improving the application of the framework nor which countries are lagging behind. The aim is to fulfill the information. Having these numbers could redirect attention and help to archive justice and produce social, political and economic changes.

‘No data, No ocean’ used UN Sustainable Development Goals’ data to create front and back posters for uprisings and communication in fisheries and markets in the Philippines. The demand is to collect information in order to require public policies to help transform the country and optimize the fisheries and fishermen communities.
