ABDI Data Visualizations - Agenda for Brazilian Technological Development and Innovation by Café.art.br

The ABDI (Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development) and FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) conducted a series of studies to subsidize the elaboration of public policies and governmental projects for development and innovation in Brazil, as well as actions to foster regional technological development.

The result was transformed into a series of 8 theme-specific data visualizations that were gathered in a Data Hub.

  • Credits
    Concept: FGV Projetos, ABDI, Mdic and Café.art.br Creative director: Leandro Amorim Design manager: Henrique Ilidio Design lead: Erlan Carvalho Designer: Gabriel Lira Designer: Gabriela Alcoar Design assistant: Rayssa Melo Design assistant: Renata Guterres Design assistant: William Frésia Lead developer: Erico Rosa Developer: Guilherme Lobo Developer Mário Veronesi
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