iQmetrix Hub Analytics by Tony Burbage Andrew Tuplin Neville Kwong Carole Cazenavette

Hub Analytics was created as a reporting tool to consolidate client data pulled from various iQmetrix retail solutions used by a client. The iQmetrix Hub is the platform interface where the client manages their iQmetrix suite of solutions. Hub Analytics lets clients gain a better understanding of what's happening in their businesses by providing them with well-structured data via a web tool that enables them to construct their own custom dashboards. Dashboards are constructed as users add configurable cards to a screen. A card may visualize data in a number of different ways (e.g. as a chart, a map, or a grid) allowing the user control over data presentation. Dashboards automatically adapt to fit the device they're being viewed upon, producing beautiful results on mobile and desktop environments. Hub Analytics emphasizes ease of use and simplicity – first-time users can create powerful dashboards in minutes without any special skills or knowledge of the underlying data structure. Hub Analytics is also scalable across the organization and uses machine learning to pull historical data for trend analysis and business forecasting. iQmetrix currently beta testing Hub Analytics with select clients. The company is targeting a release of Hub Analytics for some time in 2016.
