On the anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, we measure (for measure) 97 times his plays inspired us. He began writing plays by 1592, and they appear roughly in this order. He died on April 23, 1616,...
AwardPuzzle is an interactive data visualization online platform for award-winning tips of China National Exhibition of Fine Arts, and it is also a method to understand current ideology of China....
timeglo.be uses Wikipedia and DBpedia to create a database of over 20000 events from world history, each with a short description, and plots them on an interactive 3D world map. You can put in...
Unprecedented amounts of money are sloshing about England's soccer clubs – be it revenue from tickets or merchandising, the astronomical amounts spent on players and their wages, or the millions...
Call it taxonomy, classification, even organization — it is what we use to make sense of almost everything around us. We put things in logical, labeled boxes that help us comprehend the world. The...
‘How cities are governed’ is an interactive visualisation which presents the results of the global Urban Governance Survey undertaken by LSE Cities in partnership with UN Habitat and UCLG...
Probe the solar system from Mercury to Pluto with this stellar schematic of space exploration! From the Luna 2 in 1959 to the DSCOVR in 2015, this color-coded chart traces the trajectories of every...
This infographic shows the amounts paid by football clubs and charged for players in the summer of 2015.This work allows other readings on the four major European leagues: the size of each or the...
QS Best Student Cities is an annual index assessing cities in five key categories: university rankings, student mix, desirability, employer activity and affordability. This infographic reports the...
Another Life Taken is a project that illustrates abortion in America at the central point of contention — the humanity of the unborn. It represents each child individually as a fetus rather than...
This comprehensive infographic manual uses infographics and visualizations to reinterpret William Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”. It deciphers existing content using the lens of...
Cognitive biases are just tools, useful in the right contexts, harmful in others. They’re the only tools we’ve got, and they’re even pretty good at what they’re meant to do. We might as well get...
An animated visualization of commuting patterns for US counties operating at the US Census Tract level. Tract to tract flows are shown based on user selected criteria.
The concept of the cosmic web—viewing the universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together by gravity—is deeply ingrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about architecture of this...
During the Climate Conference we published 3 visualizations on the impact of human CO2 emissions. A simulation in which the ‘bubble rate’ reflects the actual CO2 emission rate makes the different...
The real estate market has been one of the main driving forces of China’s economy for more than one decade. This fast growing industry also contributed to social inequality in urban...
A visual and data analytic exploration of success in tennis: Uncovering the relationship between performance and popularity.
The visualization shows the career paths of the currently 500 best...
Eye of the Stormers is a collaborative project between Bastille and Spotify, as a companion piece to their new album, Wild World. The more times a city streams Bastille's music on Spotify, the...
The project is a visual representation of the world, seen through the eyes of a pilot. The map has been inspired by Vanhoenacker's book "Skyfaring".
On the map are indicated the airports and the...
The chart on the left shows the population of each nation in 2012; on the right are the number of murders committed in each nation from 2000 to 2012, in decreasing order, year on year. The lack of...