Why do info graphics and corporate comms have to be so serious?
When my client wanted to find a way to communicate how they are different I decided to add some fun, humour and innocence back into...
An outbreak of green algae, or hutai in Chinese, has invaded the seawaters off eastern Shandong. It looks harmless and lots of fun, as beachgoers are pictured frolicking in the green mass. But...
This 7.5 foot wide poster shows the complete statistical history of the New York Yankees baseball team -- every hitter, every pitcher and every season in the more than 100-year history of the team.
Using a continual progression of movement, we slide from scene to scene and transition between contrasting colors to explain an app that uses geolocation. Helping a business tell their customers...
At the close of 1998, there were 23 known weblogs on the Internet. A year later there were tens of thousands. What changed? Pyra Labs launched Blogger, the online tool that gave push-button...
Everything Oscar Wilde said or wrote was designed to be quoted. But how far has he succeeded? We used search engines, books of quotations and newspaper archives to work out which of Wilde's...
Color research in movies. We held a survey concerning colors presented in several films by means of calculating the amount of one or another color shade appearing during the whole movie. That's how...
In December 2012, Chatham House published a major new report on the changing politics of natural resources. The report, Resources Futures, is the result of two years of research and analysis of 12...
Creative studio MPC and global brand agency Jack Morton Worldwide, created a major experience to bring to life BP's key capabilities for 2,500 global VIPs, stakeholders and employees. The BP...
Approximately 70,000 thoughts run through the human mind each day—a significantly larger number than the amount of breaths you take daily, averaging 21,600 to 24,000.
–The Better Life Snowflake' uses the data from OECD Better Life Index. This website shows data by either country of category. I wanted to simplify that data even more by using one image. To do this...
The Big Mac Index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their "correct" level, based on the idea of purchasing-power parity. Since then,...
Every year, millions of people move abroad to boost their earning potential or to find a better way of life.
This video animates the key findings from http://www.expatexplorer.hsbc.com - the...
Businesses can take one of four paths to growth: They can acquire new customers, increase loyalty and new spend, innovate new products and services or enter new markets. One of the oldest ways to...
How much time do you waste looking for a document or file at work? Imagine having a deadline approaching and your boss needs that document stat. What do you do?
We continued our collaboration with...
This interactive visualization uses publicly available data on smartphone user behavior. The visualization allows you to observe smartphone penetration throughout the globe, pick a gender, then...
The German armed forces and three other states closed together in September 2010 to bring each national air transport to european accountability. The information graphic shows the new quantity of...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
The main idea of the project is to visualize statistical data, by translating it into an object's shape and behavior. The object in question is a spinning top, whose shape is generated out of...
Detailed accounts of the daily lives of Israeli settlers in the West Bank are relatively limited, obscuring their very different lived reality compared to Palestinians residing in close geographic...
50 YEARS OF THE GERMAN SOCCER LEAGUE: The graphic shows all end-of-season placings from 1963 to 2013. By the way it's a homage to the well know record cover "Unknown Pleasures" from Joy Division.
The first part of this visualization is the interactive map: With the green arrows, you can choose a governance indicator and see which countries have te highest or lowest indicator.A country which...