Forma Fluens (Latin: Flowing Form) reveals an overlapping collection of drawings generated by over 100,000 authors in "Quick, Draw!" game. Each image is slightly different. ”Every eye sees...
Data sketches is a ±yearlong collaboration in 12 instalments. On average taking a month per project, Nadieh & Shirley create an extensive data visualization of a different topic and write about...
The Report involves a range of data visualizations, depicting diverse phenomena and processes within the company. Each of them is a result of multistage processing of data, through spreadsheets,... is a comprehensive archive of data visualizations. The website presents all relevant and popular data visualizations, so you can find the right visualization and get inspired how...
Every year, millions come to Google to search for news and information that helps illuminate the world around them. While people often search for breaking news, the latest sports scores, or what's...
We present Data-Driven Guides, a technique for designing expressive data graphics. Instead of being confined by predefined templates or marks, designers can generate guides from data and use the...