The second part of “A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning” series, this installment describes a tradeoff fundamental to machine learning and artificial intelligence. Using scroll-linked...
Track the number of sectors gaining or losing jobs each month. Boxes are shaded on percentage change from the previous month in each sector's payrolls.
Published by WSJ
The aim was to visualise the 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments of the Bible... no pressure!
An epiphany came to visualise God speaking either side of that silence. Data was...
This project maps war dead recoded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission during the First World War. It's an attempt to quantify the price of the conflict and equate the scale to a contemporary...
‘Figure it Out’, or FIO, beautifully displays the time zones you work and play in.
A minimal time zone site and chrome extension that allows you to add up to ten time zones of your choice,...
Data Futures is a live experiment about the connections between our data and ourselves. It is run in conference settings, with a large, real-time visualization on a projector,
two moderators...