Another Life Taken is a project that illustrates abortion in America at the central point of contention — the humanity of the unborn. It represents each child individually as a fetus rather than...
In a world where climate change is a hot topic of conversation; What are we doing to lower pollution? What happens when fossil fuels run out? What powers the world?
With all this in mind,...
There have been more than 22 million weddings in England and Wales over the last 70 years. Visualising data from the Office for National Statistics allowed to retrace patterns in the British...
By tallying who appears most often on playlists titled with the word “punk," we can learn how parts of culture perceive genres and the bands who represent them.
More than any other storm since Hurricane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy was a rude wake-up call that the effects of Climate Change to coastal communities. Some of the most iconic images of destruction...
The Subspotting project captured the cell phone reception for the 4 major carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint) along the 660 miles of the New York City Subway. Subspotting is the first...
Last year almost 4 million babies are born in the US. Although thinking of 4 million unique names is pretty difficult, theoretically it is not impossible. Nonetheless, there are always many...
From 'vehemently oppose' to 'all in': explore the universe of positions on Donald Trump. See which politicians have been sucked into orbit by the gas giant and which ones are resisting the pull.
In the final sentence of his study of nineteenth‐century canals, Ronald E. Shaw points to the limitations of most canal maps: “The long lines of canals now drawn on our maps ... are but the...
On the anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, we measure (for measure) 97 times his plays inspired us. He began writing plays by 1592, and they appear roughly in this order. He died on April 23, 1616,...
Jeff Bezos is now in the 5th spot on world’s wealthiest people list. But he was born poor. He wanted to start a business right after college but didn’t. So how did he start?
The visualization effectively replaces the pdf print annual report of this society, which consisted of text and tables only and had little appeal, even though it contains important information on...
On the 10 of January the great musician David Bowie died. Several web portals published the lists of the critics favorite songs. So 3 very different in many ways (political views, social aspects...
Some teams seem to always strike gold on draft day, while others just find rocks. (We’re looking at you, Cleveland.) Revisit the past 20 NFL drafts to see how adept every team has been at mining...
When Barbie debuted at the 1959 New York Toy Fair, she was the first fashion doll with a three-dimensional adult form. The men who dominated the toy industry told her creator, Ruth Handler, that...
In December of 2015, the Supreme Court heard Evenwel v. Abbott, a case that could have drastically altered how election districts are drawn by counting eligible voters instead of all residents....
Budget cuts can be a little befuddling, which is why for the 2015 Spending Review we wanted to create something that was easily accessible and understandable for everybody – whilst still being...
In this visualization you can investigate how the 146 million employed persons in 2014 were divided up between ~550 different occupations. The occupations are grouped and even subgrouped. Each grey...
Over 30,000 Americans die each year from guns. But who are they, and how do they die? This interactive walks users through the demographics of America's gun death epidemic, and its often surprising...
Commissioned by Someone for Cancer Research UK, a data visualisation created for the cover of CRUK's 2016 Research Annual, showing the the far-reaching collaboration between scientists all across...
The project investigates the problem of air pollution in modern megapolices.
The main purpose was to tell about the influence of different urban systems on environment, their correlation and role...
Rock 'n Poll is polls explained with interactive graphics.
Politicians as well as journalists take political polls very seriously. Losses and gains of a few percentage points are overly analysed...
Information design is to use reasonable design methods to analyze and organize the data and information, and make the data, passing on the information in a reasonable way, let the complex noise to...