Changes in Arctic Ice by Hochschule Düsseldorf

The Paris Agreement committed states to limit global warming to 1.5°C, yet this goal seems increasingly unattainable due to challenges in mobilizing support for the necessary climate actions. The Arctic is changing much faster than just a few years ago. We are experiencing a reduction in minimal sea ice extent, mostly seasonal, thinning ice and a warmer, wetter environment. The consequences are already evident in the Arctic and globally, like rising sea levels.

The connections between climate change effects on Arctic ice are highly complex and nonlinear. Hence, presenting information in an understandable and accessible way is crucial to reaching a wider and younger audience. To prevent overwhelming with information, the visualization centers on Arctic ice, excluding topics about animal populations, tundra greening or permafrost.

The puzzle offers a playful way to engage with the topic. Each puzzle piece represents climate factors/effects, using drawn visuals for emotional resonance. Simplified images, like an ice cube symbolizing sea ice, reduce information to its essence. Brief texts offer the remaining information for a better understanding. The arrows function as the connecting pieces and depict correlations between the different factors. By puzzling and analysing every piece separately the information is consumed in an interactive way and completing the puzzle brings a small moment of success.

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