Sternenhimmel der Menschheit by Figures CC

The night sky has always accompanied and inspired people. The stories and myths of the cultures of mankind have always found a counterpart in the stars. The project "Sternenhimmel der Menschheit" is an attempt to tell these stories, to reveal the images that different cultures see in the sky and to provide background information on all this.
On the website, the user gets a large collection of articles, videos and audio recordings, the accompanying program and a tool that visualizes constellations from all over the world and links them to the stories that go with them. In addition, we rented a multi-touch table and presented the website to a wide audience in an associated event.
Commissioned by "Stiftung Kunst und Natur", Figures designed and created the entire website, found forms of presentation, and developed the corresponding tool. The website is in constant growth, with more and more cultures being added, and the background information continues to grow as well.

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