The Wandering Sun by / Sixth Tone

At the beginning of 2019, residents in southern China has suffered from an abnormally long rainy season. How long has the sun gone wandering? We charted three infographics to mark this historically-remarkable rainy winter.

The first infographic shows the general weather pattern of February. Each quarter of a circle represents a point-in-time, 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5 p.m. Five types of weather are colored differently from yellow to blue. The dominantly bluish infographic with scattered yellow sectors confirms people's experience of a dominantly rainy February with very occasional sunshine.

Secondly, we mapped out the volumes of rain and sun in different cities in China. Larger and less transparent dots indicate larger volumes while smaller and more transparent dots mean smaller volumes.

The last part is two listicles of southern Chinese cities that broke their records in the past six decades and cities that didn't in terms of rain and sunshine. The inner polar bar chart represents the number of rainy days in winter for each of the past sixty years, and the outer polar bar chart represents the hours of sunshine in winter. The light yellow shading of the outer part reminds people of the image of the sun's halo.

This work is a collaboration between The Paper and our sister publication Sixth Tone. See the English version at

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