This is an interactive narrative that delves into the contrasting lives of Romanians immediately after the collapse of communism in 1989 and their present-day counterparts across key aspects of...
As 2022 came to a close, I was unhappy with the inconsistency in my workout routine and eager to change. After noticing a year-long challenge in the Peloton app, I set a goal to complete 10,000...
This dashboard is an analysis into the results of email marketing campaigns, specifically focusing on key metrics such as open rate and click rate. The viz is split into 3 pages: a monthly...
For those who have not watched "Parks and Recreation" the TV show, Ben, one of the main characters in the show, has an obsession with calzone (the food).
I obtained the transcripts of the show...
Part 1 of The Bat Lands. A recent Marburg virus outbreak in Ghana highlights how the thirst for resources is driving destruction of the world’s most biodiverse areas and putting humans in...
'Perfect Laundry Day' was created as part of my master's graduate thesis project at Parsons School of Design (class of 2023) This project aims to deliver a sustainable and attainable solution that...
The dashboard provides an overview of a client's email marketing campaigns, with metrics on: the amount of sends, open rate, click rate, unsubscribe rate, response rate and revenue,
L I V I N G D A T A is an ongoing collaborative body of work devised and crafted for my MRes in Creative Practice at the University of Westminster, resulting in a final exhibition of my work...
From the publisher: "No matter how rich or poor you are, economic inequality impacts every aspect of your life—the place where you live, the opportunities you experience, the healthcare you get,...
The Flood necklace is a data sculpture made of ceramics, with clay from the Loire River valley. It embeds the water heights of all registered floods in the city of Orléans (France) since 1800. This...
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been a topic of fascination and controversy for decades. With the advancements in technology, more and more sightings are being reported and documented...
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) recently released their “State of World Population 2023” report. This report, produced by a group of external advisers, researchers and writers, working...
You might make little of it as you pass through Avenue Victor Hugo in Paris, Via Garibaldi in Venice, or Strada Xenofon in Bucharest. Yet once you start paying attention to it, you can't stop...
Explore the fascinating journey of Indian cinema through a unique visual experience. Our visualization unveils the changing popularity of movie genres from 1940 to 2022. By looking at the number of...
Along with innovative scientific discoveries, the way in which these are depicted also requires a development in line with the times. Overgrown Tree - Evolution of Evolutionary Thinking is an...
“The Cost” is an infographic depicting the physical, mental, political, and financial costs of one of the most catastrophic disasters in U.S. history. The water of Flint, Michigan was contaminated...
Assault, resistance, counter-offensive, trench warfare: Russia has been attacking Ukraine for a year. We show the most important phases in maps and satellite images.
Nature is in crisis, and it’s only getting worse. As species vanish at a rate not seen in 10 million years, more than 1 million species are currently on the brink.
Humans are driving this...
Inspired by the style of a classic rock album, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Vizlab created this fully reproducible ridgeline chart to display 30 years of daily streamflow data for the...
We need to communicate data in a way that it makes people stop and think. In this data video the climate stripes blend with an animated emoji showing annual global temperature anomalies. The...
Unseen, our plasticising planet
Microplastics are much closer to us than we thought.
According to the scientific journal, the global average weekly intake of microplastics per person is almost...
This data visualization wreath depicts trans and gender-diverse lives lost in 2022, many due to anti-transgender violence. Each life lost is represented by a uniquely generated bald cypress...
Diving deep into a collection of 400 ebooks, I harnessed the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric to discern the literary complexity of each text. My goal was to unravel potential patterns: Do...
The Event Experience Dashboard is a comprehensive visualization of data-focused key metrics for event experience, presented on a well-organized, visually appealing, and user-friendly...
A creative and experimental map-like visualisation crafted for cheese and wine lovers. Depiction of the principal vineyard regions in Metropolitan France as red wine spills fallen on a...
'What's in a Title?' is an exploration into the repetitiveness and patterns present within Fantasy Romance book titles. Using 760 book titles from Goodreads' Fantasy Romance genre as a foundation,...
The project uses the Turkey-Syria earthquake of February 2023 as a starting point to present the history of earthquakes and explain the different types of earthquakes.